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16 Jul


There is so much natural magic that occurs on planet Earth every day.  From the colorful hummingbird that flaps its wings as it knows to come by to the same place and drinks the nectar outside my window to the sun and moon that know exactly when to rise and set each day.   The more I can see the magical beauty and order of the Universe, the more I can be at peace and offer that feeling to the people who I am connecting with each day with the hope that it will generate more peace on the planet.  For me, the beauty of nature is like a religion and to me there is always magic occurring. 

There is a synchronistic invisible magical system that operates along with all the other systems that care for all of nature.  How does the hummingbird know to come to the feeder even after the feeder is gone?  I notice them hovering around the area where the feeder usually hangs while I am cleaning it and refilling it.  I am always surprised at that.   How does the Sun know when to set and the Moon know when to rise?  How does the baby know when it is exactly nine months and it is time to enter the world?  What else can it be?  It’s magic!  

I believe that there is a component that I cannot mathematically factor in for many of the experiences that happen every day even as it is true that there are aspects of my reality that are based on scientific fact.  I am thankful that I cannot apply these facts to everything that occurs in my life.  It is important for me to live in the part of my reality that is magical and full of fantasy and beauty and color and light and wonderful tastes and smells and where goodness and joyfulness and serenity exists. 

I see  the children of our planet know this magic much more than we adults do.  They live in this magic.  We adults mostly live in what is called logic which is clearly different from magic.  I am constantly being told that I must have a more practical approach to life.  One that is based on what I know to be reality.  Well, guess what?  To me; magic is reality too!   I absolutely must have this very rich and joyful inner life where magical experiences exist.  This is where we can all find the peace and harmony and beauty that we can  share with others.  I say take a walk in nature and I promise that you will see the magic and hear the magic and smell the magic.  This is where goodness and joyfulness and serenity begin in the quiet and beauty and magical experiences that occur each day on this wonderful planet Earth.

Sending magical thoughts and experiences to your life today.

Maria Francesca

www.mariafrancescatriliegi.com – LOOK FOR MY SPECIALS. 



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29 May

Ayurveda recommends Papaya


Do you cherish the fruit of Papaya? Ayurveda recommends the fruit of Papaya owing to its varied benefits.

Papaya or ‘Papita’ as locally called has the
Sanskrit name ‘Erandkarkati’. The Latin name of papaya is Carica papaya.

The tall trees of the fruit grow 10 to 25 feet that
bear large oval shaped fruit, which is green in the raw state and yellow when
ripe. The raw papaya contains milk like substance. As for the medicinal
purposes, the fruit, milk, seeds and also the leaves come to use.


The papaya is light, intense
and rough by nature and hot in potency. The taste is bitter and pungent, while
the after taste is bitter. Chemically, the fruit contains a yellow colored gum
resin, sugars, glycosides, acids primarily citric acid and a digestive enzyme
called ‘Papain’. This enzyme has a unique property to digest proteins and fats.
All the more, there is an abundance of vitamins viz. vitamin A, vitamin B
complex and vitamin C. Some minerals like sodium and potassium supplement the


The fruit of Papaya is a destroyer of the air and phlegm body humors.
This is in accordance to the special properties it sustains. All the more in
the ripe state, papaya also tends to combat an aggravation in the fire humor.

A Natural tonic: Papaya is a natural source of
a number of vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes. You need to make it a
regular supplement to your daily diet and feel the energy boost. Not only this,
the fruit could benefit by increasing the blood pressure as well as the blood
sugar levels. This is highly suggestive for those suffering from the symptoms
of fatigue, lack of vigor and occasional loss of sleep.

Digestive aid: The fruit of papaya contains
some digestive enzymes that benefit by easy absorption and assimilation of
food. Not only do these enzymes stimulate the liver for proper functioning, but also cause
an overall improvement in the digestion and as a result provide an increase in
the health and vitality.

Diuretic: Papaya diet is advisable in
the urinary disorders in which there is a decrease in the normal flow of urine.

For women maladies: In case of excessive pain
during menstruation or an irregular or decreased flow during the cycle, papaya
again comes to use. According to Ayurvedic texts, a powder prepared by pounding
the seeds of the fruit is to be taken along with warm water in a dose of half
to one gram. Also, the lactating mothers need to supplement the fruit in their
daily diet regimen. This could result into a better production of milk.

For local application: The milk from a raw papaya is
a holder of anti-infective and anti-toxic properties. In case of tonsillitis,
the same can be put onto the inflamed tonsils like throat paint. For mouth and
tongue ulcers, try applying the milk on the sores for relief. The seeds and
leaves of papaya are believed to be helpful in decreasing pain and swelling. In
case of joint pains, the leaves are to be warmed and applied as a hot
fomentation onto the affected joints or the seeds can be crushed and mixed into
mustard oil for local massage. 

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20 May

The Key to Numerology

Below is a guide to numerology and the inside scoop on Yogi Akal!

1.     Which are the steps a common person should follow to live and to achieve the techniques of Yogic Numerology?


YOGI REPLIES:  In the 21st century, fate is no longer the purpose of life. Destiny is now not only achievable for any person, couple, country, or corporation, but more importantly it is changeable. In fact that is the new purpose of all life – to progress beyond destiny, to transform and enlighten. The most important step is to acknowledge this capability and strengthen one’s nerves to deal with change and develop excellence. 

The techniques of Numerology are numerous. For each number, and combination of numbers there is a technology for achieving one’s potential in love, life and business. 

For example, if you are born in June, your immune system will need attention. The best technique for that is Yogic breathing. Try this:  breathe slowly through your nose and out through your mouth, then in through your mouth and out through your nose. Very slowly. While doing that, close your eyes almost completely, looking down slightly towards the tip of your nose as if squinting. After a minute or three your energy and concentration will change, and your self-protection will be increased.



2.     What kind of matches are we supposed to do if we want to use YogicNumerology for our love life. Once we have his birthday number, how does it work? How are we supposed to match his number with ours?


YOGI REPLIES:  Love is intended for all beings. It is necessary and plentiful. The question is how do you choose the best people to share it with over the long term. Even though all experiences are good lessons, bad choices can be very expensive.


1) Timing is everything.  With Yogic Numerology, you can examine the cycle of your life and your potential mate’s life cycle and see how they join up as a parallel or merged journey.  Some matches are excellent in character but challenging in timing. This is not necessarily a deal-breaker but it will certainly give you valuable information to better understand why you may not be clicking as you expected.  For example, one person in a cycle of beginning, matched with another in a cycle of ending will have a difficult time and not know why unless they consult their personal Numerology calendar.


2) Some numbers are like orange traffic lights. They flash “caution”. They may not necessarily mark the end of a relationship but they may signal areas of extra attention. For example, when one has a 13 in their birth date, there could be a tendency to over-react or to not listen carefully. While the lesson of the power of one’s word is being learned by one person, the other may take things very personally, and then misunderstandings burn you out. If you know what to look for, you can understand and either avoid the problem / person or be patient with their process.


3) Anyone can be compatible with anyone, but why not find a good match from the start. A good Yogic Numerologist can be a good matchmaker, if they follow the system and not their own opinion. The process is not as easy as 1-2-3. But when you learn the system properly, you can see the patterns and potential, the ups and downs, and advise a person in advance. For example, if your mate is born on the 8th, do you know that you must acknowledge this person every time they appear? They don’t need flattery, just, “Hello”. But if you are born on the 9th, the less said the better. Each communication style is unique. This is called the “twelve languages of men and women”.



3.     Are there types of men according to the number we got from the match? Which types are those? 


YOGI REPLIES:   There are two answers to this questions:


1)  There are only two kinds of men, and they both are part of each man. Every man is big and small, a king and a baby, all in the same person. A man is on one week, off another. He is big in one moment and small in another. He does not do both at the same time, as he is linear. Whereas, as every woman knows, women are multi-faceted and can (and always do) more than one thing at the same time. When you understand this difference you can save a lot of time and trouble and communicate more efficiently.


2) When you add up the full birthdate and reduce the number by adding the digits until they reach a number from 1-11, you can find the true nature of a man, and his capacity for change. For example, a man born on May 20, 1980 = 5 (May)+ 20 + 1980 = 2005 (2+0+0+5) = 25 (2+5) = 7. Seven men can be uplifting, analytical and patient. They can handle being alone, but that can be misunderstood by someone who hates being alone and thinks their man is just being aloof. No, they are secure. If you don’t give them some space, they will create it and then you may feel rejected.



4.     How is this related to the Yoga we practice in a gym?


YOGI REPLIES:  The purpose of Yoga is the enlightenment of the Self. YogicNumerology provides analysis and techniques to accomplish this. It is also a very practical tool for self-governance, communication, counseling, healing, and worldview. The Yoga exercises involving body posture, hand positions, breathing techniques and lifestyle are derived from ancient and proven sciences that were practised by entire communities and then kept secret in a heirarchy of masters. Fortunately those days of secretive teachers are over and the originalpractice is back as both a modern form of fitness and recreation and as a complimentary / alternative form of medicine. Yogic Numerology is the original Yoga as it was used to diagnose and prescribe, assess and solve problems of all kinds.


5.     In which areas can we apply it and share an example?



YOGI REPLIES: Yogic Numerology provides insight, strategy counsel, and healing. It is part of the holistic tool kit that every person should have and use for love, life and business.



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18 May


   As a yoga instructor, I’ve studied quite a bit of Eastern philosophy, meditation, and what some might call New Age philosophy. A theme that recurs with great frequency is letting go, surrendering, allowing things to take their course.

   I’ve finally arrived at a point in my life where I can admit that I’ve had a hard time with all this. Don’t get me wrong- it’s noble, and beautiful, and I’ve always wanted to be able to just let go on a dime. When some obstacle arises, it would be wonderful to shift into ‘let go’ mode. Trying to let go, however, has only been a source of frustration. I’ll think, “I should be letting go. I need to let go,” as if it were a task that I could actually accomplish. When someone tells you to let go, that is what they are asking- perform the task of letting go, which paradoxically is not letting go. Try to let go, and try hard! 

   Maybe it is my Western monkey mind- I am a doer. I like to accomplish, to move, to achieve. It’s a major part of my conditioning, and at the end of the day, I don’t see anything wrong with it. The world needs enthusiastic proactive go-getters, just as much as it needs the nurturing preservers. 

   The solution to the issue came to me in the car this morning, after teaching my morning yoga class. I won’t let go- I will transform. When an obstacle arises, I will actively change myself from caterpillar to butterfly and respond to the situation from that higher place. Yoga is all about transformation- we spend an hour or so opening the body and lengthening muscles, breathing, toning the mind. We transform ourselves, and in the remaining minutes of the class we are ripe for letting go and relaxing. 

  If you are like me and find letting go difficult, try something different- transform! This is something you can participate in, unlike the mysterious mystical state of surrendering. Notice what reactions arise in you- the caterpillars- and consciously turn them into butterflies.  Give it a try- it’s quite fulfilling and empowering. And when it happens, surrender is an afterthought.

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13 May

When Mother’s Day hugs are NOT enough



This Mother’s Day has been extremely difficult for many moms.  They woke up like any other mother on the holiday meant to commemorate and celebrate mother’s across North America… only to realize that their hearts were just as broken as the night before and many before that due to senseless tragedy.

I am talking about moms who lost their children to violent acts, disease and accident.  The mother’s who now join a group they didn’t wish to be part of with names and situations all too familiar… Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, child leukemia and drunk drivers.

How do you go on with a ‘new normal’ that slices your heart in to millions of pieces? I can’t image the pain any parent – mother or father- and their immediate family – must endure when a beloved child is lost in a blink. I also include in my “virtual hug” those who lost babies before their lives really began from miscarriage, still birth and sudden infant death – SIDS.

I guess the only thing I can do is what I know best – to educate others and provide resources.

For families who are grieving and trying to live despite loss I offer these resources:



For those who want to reach out or need some guidance, themselves, I offer this information:








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09 May



This New Moon and Solar Eclipse is in the sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus, planet of femininity, love, beauty and passion. Taurus is a very feminine sign and governs the richness of the earth. Taurus knows how to manifest goals by using tenacity and practicality. Once a Taurus knows what they want there is no stopping them to achieving their goal. 
During this Taurus New Moon and Eclipse we need to ready the soil of our inner garden for a wonderful harvest later in the year.  We need to ask ourselves what kind of nutrients we are  going to add.  What new and more advanced mental and spiritual tools of the trade can you integrate to assure a plentiful harvest?  Think organic.  The description for organic is: Raised or conducted without the use of drugs, hormones or synthetic chemicals.We are all born organically.  It is interesting to note what happens to our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies as we mature. It is definitely time to find ways to return to our organic self as much as possible. 
Taurus = Springtime which is the season of planting the seeds that will grow our passions and opportunities for future goodness.  Whatever you are passionate about now is the time to get your ideas firmly planted in the ground.  I love going to pick out the seeds and starters for my garden each year.  I get excited by the smell of the basil or the bright green of the leaves on the tomato plants.  This is what we need to do when planning what we want to manifest in other life areas.  Imagine what it will look like and smell like and feel like to have your goals, ideas and passions manifested. 
We must realize that we all have something of beauty to share.  We all want to love and be loved.  Venus reflects beauty inside and out.  We must accept our own beauty and creativity and honor it by feeling secure that we can grow it and share it.  When we plant a garden and it is harvest time; we look forward to sharing the richness of our hard work.  It is the same with our spiritual and emotional harvest.  How do you, whether a male or female, express your feminine side?  Where is the deep beauty of you, as an individual, evident in your life?  These are the areas to highlight during this Taurus New Moon and Solar Eclipse.
Also important is letting go of those people, situations and even thoughts that are old, outdated and no longer productive.  When we ready our garden for a new season of growth we have to pull out whatever remains from last year’s harvest.  This is a natural part of good gardening.    If you must forgive yourself or others for what is no longer advantageous to your new value system; do that first.     
As Taurus is practical and organized; these qualities will need to be considered as well.  Where are the earth signs and houses of your sacred astrology birth chart?  Do you see yourself as someone able to manifest what you really want in your life?  If not, why not?   This eclipse can help us sort things out.  Eclipses support us in moving closer to our goal by shifting our thoughts or actions. In the sign of Taurus it allows us to look at what we value in life.  We have a wonderful opportunity to ruminate and evaluate what really brings spiritual as well as emotional and financial value.  We must be willing to give up what is outworn and outgrown in order to receive the goodness.
You can begin the process by taking inventory and deciding what you as an individual in the deeper parts of your being truly believe about your value system.  Decide what needs updating, revising or restructuring.  Do your best to get those new seeds in the ground as soon as possible. 
Happy Gardening!
Maria Francesca
I am offering, at a special price, for the next three days, a reading to assist you in the planting process.  I will send you, via email, my insights and recommendations to support you.  We will clear away what is no longer needed and nurture the ground for your seeds to grow.

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05 May

Ayurveda Basics – The Science of Ayurveda

Ayurveda, which is a holistic ancient perception
passed on by learned Sages of India, have endowed our health and longevity with
the virtues of Natural wellness since times immemorial. Derived from the two
meaningful lexis Ayus and Veda which when combined together, (whereas
Ayus means life and Veda is knowledge or science) crafts the word “Ayurveda” or
the Science of Life.

Ayurveda treatment is rightly regarded
as ‘Sukha Chikitsa’ or the blissful health
management and in precise logic it means that this is the pure form of healing,
wherein an individual is made to find complete relief from his ailment and at
the same time it is ensured that in the process no other ailment tends to crop



 There are two key features that
attribute to the entire science of Ayurveda


   Swasthavritam or the Natural Lifestyle

This is the prophylactic approach to
Natural wellness in Ayurveda philosophy, which is manifested primarily with
maintaining as well as sustaining holistic wellness. And precisely this is
regarded as most imperative and desirable in Ayuveda discipline.

or the curative aspect of Ayurveda therapy

 Ayurveda being a therapeutic
discipline, has full potential to help a patient  overcome the ailment from which he is
suffering, exclusively using Natural means of healing. Curing of the disease in
Ayurveda has always been considered as secondary to harboring of Natural


makes Ayurveda Distinctive?


  • In Ayurveda therapy the very approach towards
    treatment focuses to eradicate the disease from its roots. The aim is to do
    away with the basic cause of the disease, and also no new ailment should emerge
    as a consequence.
  • Ayurveda insists that medicine be centered at
    the patient, rather on the disease. And therefore this science redeems holistic
    approach towards well being.  
  • Ayurveda treatment deals with the preparations
    only from herbs and natural resources, it is regarded as not-detrimental mode
    of treatment with least or no side effects.
  •  Concept
    of the five Elements in Ayurveda Philosophy

Our physical body that is
believed to be a natural amalgam of the five basic elements viz. sky or ether,
air, fire, water and earth; evidently authenticates with the theory of

  •  Aakasha or Ether (sky) – This element is the empty
    space between organs and cells.
  •  Vayu or the air element – This corresponds to all
    body movements.
  •  Agni or the fire- This is the implicit metabolic
    heat present in the body.
  •   Jala or the water – All the fluids flowing in
    the body like Saliva, plasma, mucous correspond to the water element.
  • Prithvi or the earth element  – This manifests as our body substance.


Pitta & Kapha – The Backbone of Ayurveda Philosophy

These three doshas or humors of the body are the prime attributes that are significant
for not only the upholding of the human body, but also in every little aspect
that causes balance or even imbalance within the body.

Vata or the air, Pitta or the fire
and kapha or the Phlegm are entirely imbibed within the body. This needs to be
understood that as and when the three doshas are present in their relative
balanced states, then these reason for the natural wellness of an individual.
Nevertheless when the three humors get to become imbalanced, this means that
either they are decreased or increased than their normal limits, this reasons
formation of disease.


between the three Doshas and the five Elements


  •  Of
    the five basic elements, Ether and Air combine together and result into making
    of Vata or the Air. Movement or commotion is the fundamental quality of the
    air humor or the Vata dosha.
  •   The
    fire humor or Pitta dosha is mainly the consequence of Fire element. This
    signifies metabolism inside the body.
  •   Water
    and Earth combine and make up the Kapha or phlegm humor. And this very humor or
    dosha entails the physical structure of the human body.
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19 Apr

For Earth Day – In Defense of Our Sacred Waters

Our Sacred Waters Before and After Humans


I have been running and walking at the ocean in Southern California for years.   I have been a very lucky girl to have lived close enough to the ocean to get there within two to fifteen minutes.  Needless to say, I love the ocean.  Nature is my religion and even at times in my life it has been my salvation.  Some say it is because I am a Pisces considered to be the ultimate water sign, the two fish going in different directions.  I can relate to that.  Many times in my life I have felt like a “fish out of water” and that is why I constantly head for the ocean.  The ocean is where I connect to my spirituality.  


The ocean is full of mystery and light and a yin and yang energy that nurtures my very soul.  The water seems to be a different color each time I am there which is very often.  It is gorgeous in the daylight and glows in the night light.  I love to watch the children laughing and screaming as they dare the waves to come up to where they are.  I love to watch people of every age and culture be able to enjoy this very powerful natural beauty. 


I do my run/walk early in the morning sometimes and early in the evening other times.   The beach is so peaceful early in the morning.  That’s because most of humanity has not arrived yet.  I call it “the beach before and after humans”. The sand is a golden brown color.  It is soft and feels warm under my feet.  It is clean as far as my eyes can see.  That’s because the Beach King as it is called, the big machine that each day cleans the beaches of all of the trash that humans have left on the beach and around the ocean has just come by and taken away the remains of yesterday’s humanity.  How disgusting and incredibly frustrating that there are so many irresponsible, non-caring humans who leave their trash right next to the trash cans that are provided for them every few feet.   Why is that? 


It does not matter what nationality you are or what country you hail from for goodness sake.  Trash cans are trash cans are trash cans with words clearly written and in a couple of languages that say “please put trash in the trash can and honor the beaches”.  Why can’t people be more aware and conscious of their responsibility to our waters?  Even if you are leaving trash on the sand, it finds its way into the ocean.  This is very simple math.

It is sad that even the public restrooms are so disrespected.  If you arrive early in the morning the stalls are clean, the floor is hosed down and even the toilet paper is neatly rolled and ready.  Twelve hours later the toilet paper is plastered on the walls, all over the floor and even stuffed in the toilets.  The sinks are stuffed with toilet paper and sand.  In a few words, the restrooms are trashed. 


What could have happened in 12 hours to create this chaos?  Ah yes, humanity happened.  Yes, all those humans used the FREE public restrooms with no regard or consideration.   We need to take a wide-angle picture of the beach at 6am and again at 6pm and put it on a huge billboard so people can see the embarrassment of humanity’s lack of respect for what the Universe has given us that provides so much pleasure for FREE.


The ocean is a gift to us from the Universe.   Free to enjoy.  Free to explore.  Free to honor.  So what is the problem here?  Why can’t everyone respect, love and care for the oceans, beaches, rivers and the lakes?  Is it because it is not their personal home? Maybe it’s because there are times when no one is watching and humans can dump their trash in and around the sacred waters of our planet.


Honoring and respecting the oceans, lakes, rivers and the beaches has always been important.  Now it is becoming critical.  The waters of our world are our last hope for continuing to live a life of environmental peace and harmony. 

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16 Apr

How do you define Living?

I was recently asked a simple question: “How
do you define living?” It gave me quite a pause. Take a moment and ask yourself

 In yoga, we work to open the body and mind, to
become fuller, more ‘alive’ versions of ourselves. I watch the difference in
individuals from the start and finish of a single class- it’s almost as if they’ve
been reborn, or enlivened. Perhaps we have a vague idea of what ‘living’ is all
about- chilling on the beach with margarita in hand, sipping into oblivion. Or
maybe when we make it in life, then
we can start living
. Just need to get that promotion! Then we wake up sixty and
wonder what we did with our life-
surely that wasn’t living!

I’ll start with
what it means to be dead. To be dead is to be rigid, stiff, decomposing,
silent, and non-growing. But even in the realm of nature, death and life aren’t
so different. Walk through a forest untainted by man; death unfolds all around,
but is constantly giving way to new life. Really, it is simply transformation.
It turns out that life has no opposite- it’s more appropriately stated that the
opposite of death is birth.

So what does it
mean to truly live? Life is flowing, exuberant, intelligent, and peaceful. It
is a knowing force that fills our very being and universe, and ultimately a
mystery to science and religion alike. I would say that living in a true sense
is to be at one with this force- allowing it to unfold in one’s life like a
blossoming flower. Living is being the dance that the universe loves to watch.
There is a more insidious type of death that is possible while still ‘alive’-
you can observe it on a day of people watching. You will find a surprising
diversity of painful grimaces worn on the faces, as they eagerly move towards
some future fantasy or other, ignoring the waterfall of living energy in the
moment. The mind and heart ossify like fossils under these intense conditions.
My suggestions are threefold: Smile at strangers (big, toothy grins); take a
dance class; breathe. Life happens to be an expert in all three.

 Life simply sings, and to live is to be the
melody. A living person glows; they ‘go with the flow,’ and seem to find joy in
the little things. Living always draws surprise from those who are dead: “You
did that? Are you crazy?” or “That’s impossible!” Try telling those things to
someone who is living. They are too wrapped up in the song to notice.


Blessings, and Namaste 😀

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10 Apr

Welcome Springtime by Creating Wellness

Welcome Springtime by Creating Wellness

It is almost funny to see how, why and where the word wellness has created such a stir on our planet.  It seems to be the new buzzword for our 21st century.  And what does it really mean?   Is to be well to be in a state of good health?   Is to be well to live with a spirit, heart, mind and body balance that defines what our energy levels will be each day?  Is to be well to be able to share our positive thoughts and feelings with others?  Should we be concerned that this word like many others is being overused and misused? 


The word “wellness” besides selling health insurance is being used to sell cars, travel plans, stocks and bonds, clothing lines, food and a myriad of other commercial products.  The word wellness is quite simple.   Clearly stated, to be well is the opposite of to be sick.  To be well is to live with ease, not dis-ease. 


To create a sense of wellness is to provide oneself and one’s loved ones with a lifestyle that will bring peace, tranquility and a sense of joy that comes from unencumbered and simple living.   Wellness is not to be confused with seeking after all of the entrapments that will hopefully somehow bring one to a state of wellness.  This idea does not advocate that we must strip ourselves of all that we enjoy.  Of course we should have the pleasures and conveniences necessary to add comfort to our lives.  The challenge is to know when we are there. The more that humans create stress in their search after what will bring them the ultimate pleasures and conveniences, the more their spirits, hearts, minds and especially their bodies are experiencing dis-ease. 


It is interesting to note what is happening to our societies as we strive and drive ourselves further and further into debt to accomplish this goal of bringing wellness into our lives.


So we must ask how much does one person need?  How much does one family need?  How many products does one household need to feel well?  All of our electronic equipment alone is daunting to observe from our many telephones, televisions, DVD, CD players, IPads, IPods and computers in many rooms in one house.  Why is there a car necessary for each member of the family and a cell phone for each member of the family?  We can go on and on and on about all of the other conveniences we find are becoming more and more what we deem to be necessary to create a state of wellness. This lifestyle of quick and fast and needing it now is destroying the very natural cycles of our lives and our ability to live in the wellness we are seeking.  Even our billboards are claiming “I have just made right now faster “.  It feels as if we will soon be living in a future present.  We will not even have to be in the now of our lives.  Living in today is becoming obsolete.  We are all running as fast as we can searching for a sense of wellness that can really only happen by slowing down.  Cars are driving faster and faster on the road.  We can now reach anyone at anytime and anywhere and where will this all take us?  What kind of pleasurable experiences await in that future experience and when will we ever get there?


Wellness means to live in a state of good health.  This means spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.  Please be aware of what wellness really is every time we push ourselves to go the extra mile so we can buy more of what we believe will bring us wellness. 


 Please remember that every time you pull that credit card out of your wallet to purchase something, ask yourself “is this necessary”?  “Is this product going to bring me wellness?”  The stress of paying for what we purchase today well into the future can continue to create dis-ease of the highest order.


We must learn to honor ourselves and our loved ones by creating a true sense of wellness.  This will also honor our beautiful Mother Earth who is definitely overworked and underpaid.

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