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18 Oct



Well here we
are again.  Another lovely full moon lunar eclipse day!  This Full Moon is in
Aries considered to be the child of the zodiac.

What does
this mean for us mere humans? 

It means we
have another opportunity to focus on how we can create a good balance between
what we want for ourselves (Aries) and what we will share with the world (Libra). 
This can be a challenge if we are tr
uly spiritual beings on a human journey.  Selfish vs. Selfless. 

Giving vs Receiving. 
Compassion for others balanced with self love.  And everyone wanting to be a star these days with Facebook and Twitter and You Tube maybe we need to stop and consider how much wer give of our goodness without worrying about getting anything back.

I would ask
if this is working in your life.  Do you have a good sense of balance? 
Are you
someone that is
a doormat for others?  (Libra can give away too much of who they are).  Or are you mostly concerned about your own needs?  (Aries can be selfish).

What to do? 
What to do?  Listen to the Universe’s words of wisdom and spend this day
on how we are doing in this area. 

Take a few moments after you read this message to determine
you are on the wheel.  It is true that opposites attrace and meet in the middle.  where is the middle for you? 

Loving yourself while being available to support your loved ones. Giving easily
of your goodness without feeling taking advantage of.

Enjoying the feeling of being of service while
knowing in your heart of hearts that you are also spending time and energy
taking care of you. 

Full moons
are also for celebrating!
  Although we are living with much challenge in the
world around us; it is
important that we find something to be proud of.  I am certain that all of us
can give ourselves a big hug today as we
focus on balancing giving and

Look for
where Aries and Libra live in your sacred birth chart.  This is where the energy
of the Full Moon will be the
most evident. 

As always, I
am your personal astrology coach and am here to support your most positive
future vision.

Sending love
to your day,


Maria Francesca
"Your Personal
Astrology Coach"

Owner –

o –

m –


"What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family."
~ Mother Teresa


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15 Sep


always trying to get control of things; trying to know and master our
lives. We want to know, to plan, to have everything laid out. When we’re not
sure about something, we tend to hope, or to project our ideas of how something
should be. This often leads to anxiety.

like to re-frame uncertainty as a friend. If you’re able to re-frame uncertainty
and not-knowing as an ally, you come to find what I define as faith.        

                To me,
faith is not believing in a thought in your mind, or a guess of what might be
and trying to believe in that guess. Being comfortable not knowing, and smiling
despite having no idea of what’s to come- that is faith. This is the type of
faith that allows the mountains to move, so to speak; it creates an openness
and a partnership with life that makes life more surprising and serendipitous.

analogy that may be helpful are the two travelers. John has a packaged tour,
his reservations booked and his days planned to the hour.  Joe has a destination in mind, but isn’t
really sure what’s going to happen on the way there, or when he’s there- in
fact, Joe didn’t even buy a guide book. Imagine the difference between these
two trips. John is doing his best to make sure things go as planned, but life
happens, and nothing seems to be good enough. Everyone moves slower, and no one
is on time. He misses one of his tours, and spends the last two days of his trip on the phone trying to get a refund. The trip was a complete failure in his mind. Joe, on the other
hand, has no idea what to expect; he makes friends very quickly in order to get
his bearings. Those friends take him to the best beaches and dining spots. Joe
actually ends up in a different destination than he planned, a place that he
had never even heard of, but that happens to be even better.  

traveler would you prefer to be? Who leads a fuller and happier life? I believe
that falling in love is a snapshot of this. Before we etch our list of needs
into a stone tablet for our partner, we are taken up by the newness and
uncertainty of the situation. The romance is a fun suspension of not knowing
exactly what’s going to happen. It’s the same as looking into a starry sky, and
gazing in awe before we start naming constellations and picking out planets.

my idea of faith- having a romance with life.

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05 Sep


New Moon in Virgo today September 5, 2013.
Wow!  This New Moon in Virgo is kicking my butt!  I have already organized the office, answered emails, washed and waxed kitchen, guest bathroom and personal bathroom.  I have changed the bedding and even come up with a title for my new book. 
I am excited.  This is what I love about Virgo’s energy.  Virgo is the sign that wants us to put it all together in ways that make sense.  Orderly and practical.  It may not always sound exciting to be orderly and practical and yet what a great feeling of peace and harmony when the task is completed.  Virgos do it easily.  Theirs is the sign of SERVICE.  Mother Teresa was a Virgo and when I think of the ultimate Virgo energy; I imagine her in my mind. 
It is true that Virgo represents the virgin state.  This is the sign that ultimately desires “perfection”.  I see this as a wonderful quality.  It guides us to visualize reaching a state of perfection in all that we do  while remembering that there is perfection in the imperfection.             I realize this is an odd statement to make and yet if you look at a beautiful rose in its entirety you are pleasured by the beauty of the whole.  When you look closer you will see that each petal is a different size and a different shape.  Taken apart it will not emit the same emotion.  It is time to bring together all that we are including our imperfections as this is what makes us our most   perfect self.
We are entering the Fall season.  This is when we celebrate our harvest.  If the farmer had to examine every tiny nuance of his crop before taking it to market he/she would probably never get there.  So look at who you are and what you have done to support the goodness in your life.  Celebrate you!
With Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all continuing their journey in lovely emotional water signs they are doing all they can to nurture the earthy Virgo.  Water nurtures the earth. 
Virgo rules the 6th house of the natural zodiac.  This is where our physical health and wellness reside.  Ask yourself what you are doing to take good care of your physical body?  This is your home.  The home inside of you.  This is a great time to celebrate by thanking your physical body for all it does for you.
New moons are for new beginnings.  With Virgo ruled by Mercury, the planet that governs our cognitive thinking process; this is a great time to decide on exactly what kind of thoughts rule your mind; especially in your day to day.  How does your thinking affect your physical body?  Are you full of stress or full of positive thoughts?
Virgo desires cleanliness.  This is a great time to clean out your spirit, mind, body, home, car, garage or closet.  Whew!  Discard the old, clear out the unnecessary and create the perfection you know in your heart will bring you the peace of mind you desire.  
Where Virgo resides in your sacred birth chart is where you will feel this energy the most.  If you are a Virgo or have Moon or Rising in Virgo – Rock On!
I am always here to shine a light on your most spiritually powerful sense of self.
Sending loving support to your day,
Maria Francesca – “Always believe something wonderful is about to happen”
Come visit me at the Daily Breeze Women’s Health and Beauty Expo on September 28 at the Torrance Cultural Art Center. 9am to 2pm.     I will be doing mini-readings and will have ceremonial products available as well.
Ask me about my 8-week Tele-Class – “Mastering the Art of Positive Intention”.  Wonderful, simple and easy to use recommendations.  We all need to be reminded of the importance of  positive thinking.                           
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28 Aug

Redefining Success

is one assumption I can make about a person that has a 95% accuracy rate: You
are suffering from stress. The reason is because stress has become a defining
feature of adult life, at least in the US. No one really sits down and says, “Gee,
I’d love to live my life in stress and anxiety all the time.” So why do we do

                It’s our
idea of success. For us, success is a carrot that dangles on a pole above our
noses throughout life, because we define it as more: More this, more that, becoming bigger and better at all
times. It’s externally-based, like an athlete only playing for the trophy or promotion. This is a lot of chasing, and our emotional life becomes glued to the ups and downs of the outside world.
For the average person, it’s a bigger salary, a new car, a trophy partner. What
we are forgetting is the love of the game.

if your paradigm of success was to be joyful. That’s it- as long as you feel joy,
you are a success in life. You would choose the work you love and surround
yourself with people who add to your happiness. The energy you currently use to
struggle would be allocated towards
enjoyment of the moment. There wouldn’t be a reason to step on anyone in your
climb towards success, because success would be a intrinsic and inclusive
state. You’d rub off on everybody and the little details that you used to fret
would take care of themselves. An athlete who truly loves the game and has fun
while playing it will win but it won’t even matter. And she brings the whole team up.

                Do an
inventory: Write down the 3 words that come to mind when you think of success.
Then write down 3 things that you would want for yourself over the course of
your lifetime.  Do they match up? If not, you’re actually very unsuccessful,
regardless of your income or status. What can you do to start climbing the
stairwell towards true success?

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24 Aug

Brahmi – Ayurveda Herb As Brain Tonic

Brahmi – Ayurveda Herb as Brain Tonic

The herb of Brahmi belongs to the family Umbelliferae, the Latin name of the herb is Centella asiatica. The Sanskrit synonyms are more descriptive of the herb like ‘Brahmi’ i.e. that what increases intellect, ‘Sarswati’ i.e. that what enhances the brain powers, ‘Mandooki’ i.e. it is found in damp places like besides rivers and ponds and spreads like a frog.
The herb of Brahmi is generally annual and spreads on the ground. It bears small leaves that are kidney shaped and small red colored flowers.

Brahmi – Natural Properties of Ayurveda Herb 

By nature, the herb of Brahmi is light and is cold in action. The actual taste of the herb is pungent, while the after taste is sweet. Being pungent, Brahmi is a destroyer of the Pitta dosha or the fire as well as Kapha i.e. the phlegm humor of the body. Chemically, the herb is believed to contain pungent substance, resin, tannins, volatile oil, ascorbic acid, fatty acid, Asiatic acid and Brahmic acid.

Brahmi – Medicinal Uses of theAyurveda Herb 

In the Ayurveda therapy, the natural herb of Brahmi is used effectively to cure ailments related to the dysfunction of the brain and also to revive and reinforce the efficient working of the brain commands. As a natural brain tonic, the Ayurveda herb of Brahmi comes to extensive usage to enhance intellect as well as memory power. Not only this, the herb of Brahmi is used by Ayurveda therapists in healing mind and brain related ailments like epilepsy and anxiety.

Part of the Herb of Brahmi used for Medicinal Purposes

All the parts of the Ayurveda herb come to medicinal use. This means all five parts of the herb of Brahmi viz. flowers, fruit, stem, leaves and roots are functional in providing medicinal benefits.


How to use the Ayurveda herb of Brahmi

The natural herb of Brahmi can be taken internally so as to derive the brain tonic advantages. All you need to do is to extract the juice from the fresh herb by crushing or pounding the same. This herb juice can then be filtered through muslin cloth or even taken as such.

Ayurveda recommends freshly extracted juice of the herb of Brahmi to be taken in a dose of 10 to 20 ml.

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06 Aug


Lion and Lioness! How beautiful when they are together and loving to each other.  This is what we want to focus on.  The sweetness and kindness and playfulness of Leo the Lionhearted.

LionWe get so many opportunities each month with each new Moon according to the sign it is in to grow to a more evolved human being.  Sun and Moon in Leo gives us an opening for a few days to enjoy our confident creative persona and do all we can to move forward with whatever projects we are working on.  If we use the power of this event with both our masculine and feminine nature intact; we will be able to benefit from the fire and passion of Leo.

With this new moon about to surface in our beautiful sky we will be asked to use our wonderful ego to share our personal truth in a creative and generous way.  As each day, month and year goes by our evolution to a more evolved and aware consciousness is, hopefully, becoming evident.  This is what astrology is based on.

As we are now moving further and further into the Age of Aquarius, opposite sign to Leo, it is critical that we learn to more easily go back and forth from living as individuals who are searching for personal satisfaction to taking into consideration the collective consciousness of our planetary journey.  

Enjoy who you are!  A beautiful expression of God/Goddess Energy.


Maria Francesca

www.mariafrancescatriliegi.com – See my website for my latest offerings!

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23 Jul

Paint your life!

I’ve always been a creative type. Whether it’s drawing, theater,
or writing, people will often tell me, “Wow, you’re so creative. I wish I was
like that. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body!” I’ll usually just keep
quiet, but what I really want to do is shake them and say “Wake up!”

truth is, the average person is very creative. We draft up dozens of excuses a
day- some of them short stories, others 600 page novels. When it comes to what
we can’t do, we are Da Vinci with a paint brush, going into incredible detail
to paint the picture of our life. When life presents us with a challenge,
however, usually we will step up and devise a creative solution to the issue.

invite you to allocate your creative orange juice to other uses aside from
watering the weeds. As children, our life is a little art project- we make
believe, paint with our fingers, play with our food. You’re spirit never
changed; all that changed was your thinking. Instead of a blank canvas, life
became a to-do list.

                I have
a few suggestions if you are thinking, “This all sounds nice, but it’s not very

1. Sit in front of blank piece of paper. Set a
timer for ten minutes if you need to. Put something on it.

2. Write down three adventurous or recreational
activities that you’ve always wanted to do, but never had the time. Circle the
one that sounds most exciting. Give yourself two weeks to make it happen. A few
of mine are learning salsa dance and a martial art.

3. Put on your favorite music. Lock the door. Blast the volume and dance. Actually, forget the word dance. Just
move- let every part of your body move in whatever way it wants.

After this, you’re ready for your first art gallery! Well,
perhaps not literally. However, your life is an art gallery. Fill the walls
with beauty, color, and life. Then you are an artist, a creative genius who
inspires those around her and lives with purpose.

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20 Jul


Gotta love the Summer months.  There is so much written about the summer.  Summertime and the Living is Easy. Summer in the City.  Under the Boardwalk.  A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Light my Fire.  Dancing in the Streets.  Just to name a few.

Summer is when the Sun is blazing hot during the day and the nights are balmy with a soft breeze that is full of mystery and magic. Consider the night as the time when intuition is fired up and our senses come alive.

With this month’s full moon in Aquarius opposite sign to Leo it will bring together an air and fire dynamic that is considered a SUPERMOON.  It will arrive on Monday, July 22 and although the time will be the middle of the day for us at 2:16pm EST; we can enjoy the beauty of this super moon on Sunday evening the 21st and Monday evening as well.

As this Full Moon is going to be BIG and BRIGHT it will have a stronger emotional pull on all of us especially in the sign of Aquarius. Moon in Aquarius is considered the humanitarian desiring freedom, fairness and personal independence.  They seek justice and equanimity for all people.  Their motto is “let us be able to do our own thing while respecting and honoring all other    humans as well as animals and nature”.  Leo, the opposite sign to Aquarius, looks at life from a more personal viewpoint.  It is a challenge for Leos to look beyond their own fired up passion   and although they are loyal and respecting of others; it is done with the need for appreciation  and accolades.

 I believe both of these signs are necessary for us to enjoy our passion and be appreciated while not judging those people who cannot, for whatever reason, honor us. I am grateful, albeit with caution, at the many peoples throughout our planet who are rising up and demanding the Aquarian mandate.  FREEDOM from oppression.    

With the Sun just entering the sign of Leo, considered to be the lion and lioness of the zodiac, at 11:56am on Monday and this Full Moon occurring directly afterwards in its opposite sign, there is bound to be fireworks!

Let’s affirm that this be a time to free ourselves from old beliefs that no longer serve us and move forward with confidence and individuality.  I read that July is when young bucks grow their antlers and move away from their family to go out on their own.  Think about that in relationship to taking the reins of who we are as individuals and speaking our truth from our hearts.  I love comparing our lives to the lives of the rest of the natural universe.

Look to where Aquarius and Leo live in your sacred birth chart.  Call or email me for support if you need it. 

As always I wish for you passionate days and peaceful nights or peaceful days and passionate nights or whatever combination you desire!

Sending Universal Blessings,                                                                                                                                Maria Francesca Triliegi                                                                                                                                             “Your Personal Astrology Coach”                                                                                                                                                                          Owner – Spirit*Mind*Bodyworks

o – 310.548.1338    m – 707.292.1882 

  http://mariafrancescatriliegi.com                                                         For My Latest and Greatest Offerings 


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17 Jul

Ayurveda Lifestyle Guide

Ayurveda is the ancient insight of living life naturally. Following the simple step-by-step guide of the Ayurveda lifestyle is easy and a sure way to gain and maintain natural wellness and holistic well being. Ayurveda Lifestyle confers Holistic Well being
There are many simple to follow steps for the Ayurveda Lifestyle:

  • Waking Early: The right time when you need to be out of your bed is early morning between 4 to 6 am.
  • Relieving the Bowels: Relieving the bowels has to be followed and this needs to be practiced with silence and patience. Hurried attitude that makes you to force expulsion of body wastes is considered to be harmful in the long run.
  •  Cleaning of the face and mouth: Thorough cleansing of the mouth and face with fresh water enables freshness and combats inactivity and the previous night’s siesta.
  • Dental Care: Ancient Ayurveda text counsels natural tree woody sticks, or dautun, for teeth and gum care. These natural herbs take care of oral health by providing wormicidal, blood-purifying, and healing benefits. 
  • Eye Care: You need to fill your mouth with fresh water and cleanse your protruding eyes with cool and fresh water. Ayurveda asserts this practice to be highly beneficial for restoring your natural vision.
  •  Nasal Cleansing: Ayurveda advises mild oiling of the nasal passage that protects from ear, nose, and throat diseases, and also from various allergies.
  •  Mouthwash and Gargles: It is recommended to mouthwash first with oil, and thereafter with warm water. This keeps away dryness of the lips and oral cavity, sore throat, and dental maladies. This is to be followed by gargles with an astringent herb decoction.
  • Herb Pastes: Ayurveda advocates maintaining hygiene by using natural perfumed pastes from scented herbs like Chandan or Sandalwood. This practice is believed to help enhance one’s natural glow  and charisma.
  • Everyday  Massage : A massage that is performed using Vata suppressing oils, like mustard oil or sesame seed oil, is a natural health-giving asset and keeps away a number of physical and mental ailments. 
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17 Jul

The True Leader

There are countless moments each day when we have the choice
to be a follower or a leader. We may have vague ideas on what it means to lead, and often they are confused managing. Being in
charge of other people- that’s leadership, right? Well, not exactly.          

Having researched leadership extensively, I would like to
share the most contemporary and effective framework. It’s called Transformational Leadership. Simply put,
a transformational leader inspires within another person the same desire to
fulfill a task that she possesses.  Management tells another person what to do-
leadership leaves that person telling you that they want to do it. The
difference may seem insignificant, but at the end of the day, it’s the difference
between chores and joy.

I’ll give an example from my field of sport. A typical coach
in today’s culture yells frequently and delivers commands to his players, who
show up to practices just so they don’t get cut. A transformational coach
creates an environment in which the game has become the prize, because it’s
just so fun. His players want to
play, and they arrive early to practice with smiles on their faces. What’s the
difference? In both scenarios, the athletes are attending practice. In the
second example, there are no leaders and followers- the players have become self-leaders,
motivated just as much as their coach.

You may say, I’m not a coach, and I don’t manage people.
However, every day is an opportunity to stand up and lead. Raising children, working,
personal relationships, side projects, you name it.

I will summarize four basic steps you can take to shift from
being a follower or manager into becoming a transformational leader.

1.       Go inside

Reflect on your Self, your life, and your
own journey. Who has inspired you in your life? On the other
hand, who has deflated you? Which person do you want to be for others, and how
will that choice change your behavior? In order to transform others, we must
first transform ourselves. Becoming a more conscious human being is essential.
Take a moment and make a list of true leaders in your own life. Write down the
qualities that you find important. Then write a little about a negative
experience you’ve had, and how that felt. For example, a first grade teacher
telling you that your drawing stinks.

2.       Be Transparent

When you’ve begun to reflect on your own
life experiences, it’s time to start sharing. That’s not to say you have to go
about telling everyone where your birth mark is. Really, all that is required
is realness and honesty. We have an idea in our culture that sharing our
weaknesses and trials makes us weak. In truth, it lets others know that we are human. This leads me to number three.

3.       Be Relational

What is the core of humankind? (Hint: it’s
actually not money). Relationships, my friend! Ask how you’re colleague is
doing, and listen to the answer. In sport we call it stepping into their lives. When you really care about the person
beyond what they can do for you, and
you ask what you can do for them, a shift will happen. Have you ever remembered
someone’s name, and they are shocked that you actually remembered? Even this
will work!

4.       Moral Courage

When it comes time to speak, do it. When
something is wrong and you want to stand, stand. I use the word courage because
in our culture there is a great deal of inertia, and going against the grain
can be scary. To be a leader, though, you simply must rise when others sink. Otherwise,
you are a follower. This doesn’t mean getting angry about a cause and preaching
to all your loved ones (please don’t). An example from my own life has been my adamancy
to maintain a vegetarian lifestyle. I never talked about it or preached,
however I did withstand incredible amounts of ostracism from family and friends
for the first few years. It wasn’t easy, but I persisted. Now, several of my
friends and various family members are also vegetarians. Trust me, I am not a
proselyte.  They made the decision for
themselves because it was right, and my initial act of standing up paved the

Now, get out there and be the leader you are meant to be!

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