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10 May

Coffee and Climate Change: Personal and Global Overstimulation

By Brendan Kelly

The National Coffee Association says 83% of Americans drink coffee, and that we’re the world’s biggest consumer of the beverage. With new gadgets and gourmet brews it’s an estimated $30+ Billion industry. But is coffee actually good for our health? Are we drinking more coffee to keep up with the increasing pace of the American lifestyle?

Brendan Kelly, co-founder of the Chinese medicine clinic Jade Mountain Wellness in Burlington, Vermont and author of The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis, offers valuable insight on the Chinese Medicine perspective of coffee, here’s an excerpt from his new book:

But I heard that coffee was good for you. Coffee is clearly stimulating and does increase blood flow to the brain and other areas. It can provide a lift of energy, but many short-term fixes come with long-term costs. In addition to this heat, coffee is also damp, which can trap the overstimulation and make it harder to clear from the body. The excess rising energy of coffee can also compromise our descending relaxing energy, which is the very same dynamic happening to the climate. Just as the planet is warming as its ability to keep things cool and stable decreases, our bodies become overheated and inflamed as their ability to cool themselves is impaired. For us individually as for our planet, coffee causes a host of heat- related symptoms.

Some of you might be thinking: Well, if coffee is hot, then drinking iced coffee will help cool it down. In talking about the characteristics of food, Chinese medicine is describing the food’s inherent properties, which are different from its physical temperature. Putting ice in a cup of coffee does not transform its fundamental nature; what it does do is make it more difficult to digest. When a food or drink is below room temperature, the Stomach first needs to warm it before it can start digesting. The extra energy that this warming requires means there’s less available for digestion, making the food-to-energy process less efficient. As the digestive system gets bogged down from the cold, phlegm is generated. One common metaphor in Chinese nutrition is that the Stomach is a cooking pot that needs to be maintained at a warm temperature to work effectively. The cold of ice in coffee can decrease the warmth that the body needs to maintain effective digestion, potentially creating more phlegm.

You might be thinking: I drink decaf, so that makes it okay. As with putting ice in coffee, removing some of the caffeine does not change the coffee’s basic nature. Regardless of the particular level of caffeine, coffee is still coffee, which is hot and damp. In many cases, the chemical processes that are used to remove the caffeine add toxicity. But even if a more natural, water-based process is used, from a Chinese medical view, the nature of coffee doesn’t change with its level of a particular chemical.

Another common response is: I don’t feel good when I don’t drink coffee. A major reason we drink coffee is that we’re tired, and removing coffee’s very stimulating effects can make us more aware of what’s going on. In our era of a rapidly warming and destabilizing climate, it’s essential that we see the situation clearly, both for us and for our planet. Just as there is a long list of issues associated with drinking coffee, there can be a long list of symptoms associated with stopping. These include headaches, constipation, upset stomach, fatigue, lack of mental clarity, irritability, and cold sweats.

The good news is that acupuncture and herbal medicine can be very helpful mitigating or eliminating these symptoms. Not only can there be a relatively easy transition with the help of Chinese medicine, but people often quickly realize that they have more energy and clarity soon after stopping. The process of looking clearly at our lives involves not only considering what we are willing to do, but also considering what we are willing to do without. In addition to its relevance to our own well-being, addressing our use of coffee to keep going during our era of over-busyness has real, global importance.

Some people think: I like the feeling of being “up” from coffee. That “up” feeling is the coffee’s heat. This overstimulation mirrors the heat of climate change. Part of what coffee provides is a way to avoid actually experiencing our levels of energy. In our era of constant demands and distractions, it’s not surprising that so many of us are drawn to the overstimulation of being up rather than the relaxation of descending energy.

Some of you might be thinking: I put a lot of milk in my cup, so I’m not drinking too much coffee. From the viewpoint of Chinese nutrition, anything more than an occasional small amount of milk can create phlegm. Not only can this occur in the respiratory system, but it can occur throughout the body.  As coffee can also contribute to this phlegm, adding dairy to coffee can exacerbate its ill effects.

Maybe you’re like some people who have come to our clinic and say, I just like the richness of coffee. Luckily, there are many other rich drinks that don’t have the same heat- and damp-producing effects as coffee, such as tea from roasted dandelion roots.

Maybe you think, I like the hot drink in the morning and the ritual of making it. As we discussed, warm, cooked food and drinks help promote healthy digestion, and a morning ritual for starting the day can also promote health. However, having these include coffee is not particularly healthy.

Some of you might think, I’m supporting socially responsible companies when I buy fair-trade coffee. While buying fair-trade products can certainly be better for the people who grow it and for the planet, coffee remains a very stimulating drink. It’s not very likely that we’ll be able to address the root causes of climate change if we continue to be overstimulated internally. There are lots of other thoughtful, socially responsible drinks to choose.

Having worked with hundreds of people who have stopped drinking coffee, I realize that it is not always an easy process. If you want to stop or at least give it a try but are having a hard time, my recommendation is to find a good Chinese medicine practitioner. Rather than creating overstimulation, acupuncture and herbal medicine can provide what many of us are looking for when we drink coffee, namely energy. A well-trained practitioner can also help clear out the heat and dampness that has likely accumulated and help replace it with physical strength and mental clarity.

Brendan Kelly is the author of “The Yin and Yang of Climate Crisis,” which looks at the bigger and deeper issues of climate change through the lens of Chinese medicine. The co-founder and co-owner of Jade Mountain Wellness, where he currently practices acupuncture and herbalism, Kelly has also been actively involved with environmental issues for 25 years. For more information about Kelly, his book, recent articles and classes, visit personalasecological.com.

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06 May

Five Foods for Better Bone Health

By Kyle Zagrodzky

Osteoporosis isn’t preventable through diet alone, but a balanced diet rich in certain power nutrients can contribute to better bone health and help other activities such as exercise and osteogenic stimulation become even more effective at retaining and producing new bone.

Most people know that dairy products including milk, cheese, and yogurt contain calcium and vitamin D that build stronger bones, but they don’t know that secret super foods such as pistachios contribute to better bone health as well. Dairy is great for bones, but lots of other foods contain additional essential vitamins and nutrients that lead to stronger, healthier bones at every stage of life.


Start your day with an egg.

Eggs contain valuable bone-nourishing nutrients, making them a great choice for breakfast or an omelet dinner. In USDA tests, egg yolks contained 41 IU of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. The body produces vitamin D during sun exposure, but if you’re concerned about skin cancer, eggs are one of the few foods that contain ample amounts of the core nutrient. Eggs also contain vitamins B6 and B12, which reduce levels of amino acids that have been linked to increased risk of hip fractures later in life. The folate in eggs is another B vitamin that helps prevent bone loss.


Embrace olive oil.

A recent study from Spain suggested that a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil might have a strong link to healthier bones. In the study, 127 men between ages 55 and 80 who ate a Mediterranean diet with lots of olive oil had higher levels of osteocalcin in their blood, a sign of healthy bones. Other similar studies have shown that bone disease occurs less frequently in the Mediterranean than in other parts of Europe. To work more olive oil into your diet, use it to cook with instead of vegetable oil, and add it to salad dressings for an extra flavor boost.


Savor some spinach.

Try substituting spinach for regular lettuce in your salads. Spinach contains tons of calcium; just one cup fulfills about 25 percent of an adult’s daily requirement. Spinach also contains natural fiber, iron, and vitamin A, a crucial nutrient for bone growth.


Dip into something good for you.

Slice up some fresh vegetables and go for a dip—guacamole and hummus are both great for bone health. Avocados are packed with vitamin K, which works closely with vitamin D to regulate osteoclast production. Osteoclasts remove old bone to make more room for healthy new bone deposits. Avocados contain boron, a mineral that helps bone metabolism and vitamin D efficiency, as well as copper, which produces collagen and elastin. The chickpeas in hummus contain iron, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K, all of which contribute to strong bones.


Go nuts.

Nuts such as walnuts and pistachios are incredibly beneficial to bone health. Just one fourth of a cup of walnuts has 2.25 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, 100 percent of the recommended daily value. Research has found that Omega-3 fatty acids increase calcium absorption, reduce calcium loss, and improve bone strength through better collagen creation, which simultaneously helps with muscle formation. Walnuts also deliver boron, copper, and manganese. Pistachios contain manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, which all team up to create healthier bones.


Kyle Zagrodzky is president of OsteoStrong, the health and wellness system with that focuses on building stronger bones, muscles, and balance in less than 10 minutes a week using scientifically proven and patented osteogenic stimulation technology. OsteoStrong introduced a new era in modern wellness and anti-aging in 2011 and has helped thousands of clients between ages 8 and 98 improve strength, balance, endurance, and bone density. In 2014, the brand signed commitments with nine regional developers to launch 500 new locations across America. Today, OsteoStrong is becoming a brand with a global reach.

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13 Nov

Healing Pina Colada!

I recently learned from the Ayurveda expert Lissa Coffey that pineapple can be used to ward off and soothe sore throats! Thanks for sharing Lissa, because you inspired the HEALING PINA COLADA SMOOTHIE! 

Here’s what she had to say:

“Sore throat, stuffy nose, bronchitis – it can come any time of year.  To help relieve these symptoms we can take a cue from our friends in warm climates.  In Mexico, pineapple is used for bronchitis.  In Venezuela, pineapple is used to soothe a sore throat.  And in Brazil, it is used as a decongestant! 

Why does pineapple work in this way?  It’s the bromelain, an enzyme in pineapple which research has shown to be both mucolytic and anti-inflammatory, which means that it can get rid of mucus and take the painful redness out of a sore throat.   

Fresh is best, so hopefully your supermarket is starting to get in its shipments for the season.  The heat from canning likely destroys the bromelain, so if you can’t get fresh, try fresh-frozen.  Eat about three half-cup servings at day when you first feel the symptoms of a cold coming on, and continue for three days.”

In honor of this amazing news I decided to create a pineapple smoothie— a delicious healing pina colada if you will!

But first, here’s some more fantastic facts about the ingredients that make up our smoothie:

– The coconut oil contains a fatty acid called 12-carbon lauric acid. Lauric acid can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi.

– Coconut flakes add texture, taste, and fiber to flush you out.

– Bananas offers a high level of Potassium (1 banana = 422 mg) and the daily consumption should be around 4,000 mg.  Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body’s water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

– The coconut water hydrates your body and adds potassium to our bodies. (1 cup = 600 mg)

– Plant Protein Powder: fills you up, and gives your body the essential amino acids it needs to function.

– Wheatgrass powder: has incredibly high levels of phytonutrients, protein and chlorophyll, which is antibacterial and can be used inside and outside the body as a natural healer.  Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 115 minerals from the soil.


makes a full standard blender liquid amount

2 fresh or frozen bananas

2 tbs. coconut oil

2 cups coconut water

1 1/2 c. fresh or frozen pineapple

3 tbs. coconut flakes

1 serving of plant protein powder (I like PLANT FUSION the best)

1-2 servings wheatgrass powder

Blend all ingredients together with the banana and pineapple closest to the blades. Drink in small servings through out the day (as Lissa suggested for warding off cold symptoms) or freeze into popsicles to soothe that sore throat or just for a tasty treat!

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04 Oct

What’s for breakfast mom?


The most beneficial way to make breakfast for kiddos in the morning, is to do a little planning ahead.

Getting out the door in time for school can be a challenge, but these easy morning and night before recipes will make your mornings tasty! Plus they’ll sustain the kiddos long after! (and you can feel good about eating them too!)


Carob or Cacao Shake 

Carob doesn’t have caffeine like cacao does, and it’s a morning chocolate milkshake!

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk
  • ½ banana
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened carob or cacao powder
  • 1 ounce raw almonds or 2 tbs. almond butter
  • Stevia to taste

Blend all ingredients together in a blender until creamy. Almonds are the only alkaline nut. I’ll bet your kiddo won’t notice the difference between almond butter or peanut butter in a milkshake!

Chia Acai or Berry Smoothie

  • 1 tablespoons of chia
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 packet frozen acai smoothie package OR 1 c. frozen berries
  • 1 cup almond or coconut milk

Soak chia in water or coconut water overnight in refrigerator. Add all of chia gel mixture, banana, acai and almond milk to a blender and mix well. If you don’t have an acai packet, try a heaping spoonful of the powder in your berry smoothie!


Hearty Breakfast Quinoa

  • cup quinoa, soaked and cooked
  • 2 tablespoons of your favorite dried fruit (cranberries, raisins, blueberries, etc.)
  • Dash sea salt
  • Cinnamon or grated nutmeg to taste
  • Stevia to taste
  • 1 cup almond milk

Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Heat over medium heat until liquid is absorbed. Cook the quinoa the day before for ultimate ease. If you don’t want to use a pan in the morning, place all ingredients in a microwave safe bowl the night before and just pop in the microwave in the AM.


Banana Breakfast Wrap

  • 1 sprouted whole grain tortilla
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened almond butter
  • 1 banana, diced

dash of cinnamon, hemp seeds

Spread almond butter on tortilla.Top with bananas, cinnamon and hemp seeds and roll. Sprouted bread and tortillas offer a much lower glycemic index and a larger amount of fiber and protein!


Chocolate or Vanilla Chia Pudding 

1/4 cup raw, organic chia seeds

1 cup of unsweetened almond milk

2 tsp. raw cacao powder and 1 tsp. cinnamon

Coconut nectar, honey, stevia, 1 mashed small banana or 3 pitted dates

For a tangy twist add 1/2 c. of yogurt of your choice


Place chia seeds in a container. Blend the almond milk, cacao powder, cinnamon and sweetener(s) of your choice in the blender until mixed well and desired level of sweetness is reached. Pour over chia seeds and mix well.Cover the container and move into the fridge. Let stand for at least 30-40 minutes (or ideally1-2 hours), before mixing again and serving. Keeps around 3+ days in the fridge, so feel free to make larger batches at a time.

Green Team Smoothie 

1 heaping cup spinach
1 heaping cup chopped kale leaves (if you don’t have a great blender, then just stick with spinach)
1/2 pear
1 frozen (or unfrozen) banana
1 1/2 c. almond or coconut milk
1 tbs. sweetener (honey, stevia, maple syrup)

In a blender combine kale, spinach, and milk. Blend until smooth. Add pear, banana, and sweetener. Blend until smooth. Make the night before, and place in on the go jar or cup!

Overnight Oatmeal 

1/2 cup rolled oats or cooked brown rice/quinoa/millet
1/2 cup non-dairy milk of choice

1/2 cup applesauce (trader Joes no sugar is great)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon or apple pie spice
Pinch of salt!
Top with almonds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, raisins,

walnuts, chia seeds, bee pollen or berry of your choice

Combine all ingredients in a sealable container (like a glass jar). Stir the mixture, OR seal it tightly and shake vigorously until everything is thoroughly combined. Place in the fridge overnight (or several hours). In the morning, eat cold or warm up for 1-2 minutes in the microwave.

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04 Oct

What’s for lunch mom?

Healthy lunches can sometimes get repetitive. It’s great if your child likes one thing and eats it with out fail, but variety is the spice (and nutrition!) of life. Here are some easy lunch box ideas to get the creative juices flowing!

Rainbow Salad

Letting kids layer their own salad in a mason jar, clear bowl, or as a picture on a plate/foil is a great way to get them to try new things and have them appreciate the bounty of the season! This recipe is completely flexible for all seasons, and the sky’s the limit as far as the types of toppings you can choose from. Just remember to eat the rainbow and what’s in season for optimum nutrition and deliciousness. 

Greens: Purple Cabbage, Trader Joe’s Cruciferous Crunch, Chopped Kale, Mixed Greens, Red (Fall) Spinach, Endive

Veggies & Fruits: Pears, Apple, Beets, Roasted squash, Carrot, Celery, Cauliflower, Dried cranberry/Cherry

Nuts & Seeds: Pecans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pomegranate seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds

Whole Grains/Legumes: quinoa, lentils, farro, barley, brown rice, millet

Fun Extras: Sprouts, sliced or whole olives, pickled veggies, cookie cutter sprouted bread, taco “meat” topping

Fresh Ranch Dressing 

1 c. vegan mayonnaise + 1/2 tsp. onion powder +2-4 tsp. fresh parsley +1/2 c. non dairy milk + salt and pepper to taste = Whisk and enjoy!

Magical Oil Free Zaney Dressing 

1/4 c. unsweetened applesauce + 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar + 1 tbs. balsamic vinegar + 1 tsp. mild miso + 1 tsp. dijon mustar + pinch of cumin + pinch of cinnamon + 1 1/2 tbsp maple syrup + salt and pepper = Blend and enjoy! (add water for thinner consistency)


Quinoa Pasta Salad

  • 1 cup quinoa rotini pasta, cooked, drained, and cooled
  • ½ sweet red pepper, chopped
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • ½ tomato, seeded and chopped
  • ½ zucchini, chopped
  • ½ cucumber chopped
  • 3 tablespoons parsley, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon organic lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • Dash sea salt
  • Fresh cracked black pepper to taste

Mix pasta, pepper, onion, tomato, zucchini, cucumber and parsley.Whisk together lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper and pour over salad. Toss to mix.


California Veggie Wrap

  • 1 sprouted grain, gluten-free tortilla
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Dash sea salt
  • ¼ cup baby spinach
  • ½ cup carrots, peeled and shredded
  • ½ tomato, chopped
  • ¼ cup spicy sprouts
  • ½ red bell pepper, sliced

Combine avocado, lemon juice and sea salt in a small bowl. Lightly mash with a fork. Spread mashed avocado on tortilla. Top with spinach, carrots, tomato, sprouts, and pepper. Roll and cut in half

Almond Butter and Chia Seed Jam Roll Up/Sandwich 

1/2 c. almond butter + 1 tbs. cinnamon + 1 tbs. honey = mix and spread

stove top simmer and cool –> 1 cup frozen mixed berries + 1/2 c. chia seeds + 2 tbs. honey or coconut nectar = delicious homemade nutrient dense jam! Let cool. Spread atop nut butter.

Sprouted tortillas or bread.

Almond butter and jam keep sealed for a week in the fridge.


Other Adds: 

– Hard Boiled Eggs

– Beet, Carrot, or Zucchini hummus w/ veggies, crackers, or pita slices

– Nut thin crackers

– Snap pea crisps

– homemade trail mix with nuts, seeds, dried fruit of your choice

– edamame in or out of shells

– seaweed snack

– variety of fresh fruit (stone fruit, grapes, bananas, apples, oranges, pears)

– variety of fresh veggies (baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, snap peas are naturally small)

– homemade popcorn (add cinnamon or nutritional yeast for yummy variations)

– homemade healthy sweets like granola, raw food balls, or zucchini bread!

– Bugs on a log (almond butter, celery, raisins)

– coconut yogurt

– fruit kabobs

– leftovers!

– veggie, lentil soups in thermos

– kale chips

– fruit salad

– brown rice, black beans, salsa, avocado

– veggies or corn chips w/ salsa

– cottage cheese

– collard wraps filled with nut pate’ or hummus w/ veggies

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22 Oct

Why My Cancer Was A Gift

Well cancer is an issue I have personal experience with and by the grace of God I am here to talk about it and share some powerful tools to help those with cancer and those who want a preventative approach to their health. 

As a pre-teen I had chemotherapy and radiation which left me menopausal —and basically with five years of vitality destroyed from my body. I have to be frank, I was lucky, and while a scientific mindset would attribute my outcome to my treatment, I attribute it to grace. 

While sitting in church looking up at the statue of Jesus on the cross (which was a rarity because I only went on holidays with my Catholic grandparents) I was experiencing a great deal of nerve pain sitting in the wooden pew (which had been going on for months due to my tumor pressing on sacral nerves).  Then all of a sudden my whole body became hot and the nerve pain just stopped. I leaned over to my mom and told her that my pain just stopped, and that my left foot stopped feeling numb. During my next round of scans my tumor was no longer visible. 

It’s funny, I barely remembered this incident because I was so young and I was really so ‘unimpressed’  and ‘turned off’ by religion, but ironically while at the same time of my treatment I was praying repeatedly the prayer of St. Peregrine on the medal of St. Peregrine (the patron saint of cancer patients). To be completely honest it really hasn’t been until the last few years that I realized what a remarkable gift, and merciful blessing I was given. Sometimes it’s not until we are in dire circumstances that we allow ourselves to become spiritualized, and worse, when the bad passes we forget all about it, and how grace was what truly lifted us. 

I’m here because I don’t want people to undermine the power of spirit and self effort to heal the body, because I have experience with both—ten years ago and even just this morning. 

So here’s where I’m going with all this: There has been many successful accounts of disease and specifically cancer, being destroyed with out chemo or radiation and simply by a high alkaline diet, breathing, and connection to grace. I have definitely experienced the power of breath and grace daily in helping me to stay healthy, but I also experienced the power of an alkaline diet to help give the body what it needs to self heal. After a few months of eating about 3 pounds of vegetables a day my periods came back and my body functioning (namely it’s natural hormone levels) became completely normal, something my doctors hypothesized was a slim to none outcome. 

Now, recently my Grandma has become another story where grace, breath, diet, and self effort has paid off.  She was going through chemo and it was making her utterly decrepit (and she’s in her 80’s and was still doing aerobics classes a few times a week!) Then her prognosis took a turn for the worst and our family was rallying to try and “make her comfortable”. But then she opened her energy channels, connected to grace very earnestly and consistently every day, and went on an alkaline diet. She’s made a remarkable turn around. Her prognosis is better now than it was after her chemo! 

I urge you to keep reading to hear more about the tools you and anyone you know can use to better your health— mind, body, and spirit— whether you have cancer or not. 

ALKALINE DIET: At the bottom of this article I have included a list of all alkaline and border-line alkaline foods. 

For healing the body you want to be eating at least an 80 percent alkaline diet–which is not hard, but it takes some planning in the kitchen and cooperation with family who want to help. (For those who want to “be healthy” eating 60 to 70 % alkaline is a great way to start.) The basic principal of high alkaline is that when our body’s Ph is above 7.0 it is very very difficult for disease to grow. Disease (especially cancer) feed on acidic environments– blocked energy in the body (from deeply rooted negative emotions) and acidic Ph– normally the culprit of sugar, animal based fats, and salt. 

Here’s a very special medicinal food recipe from this book I highly recommend called HOW TO CURE ALMOST ANY CANCER AT HOME FOR $5.15 A DAY, because it’s simple and it’s something everyone with cancer should read before surrendering their only life chances to chemo and radiation. It’s a wonderful guide to before, during, and after treatment. 


The recipe is an alkalizing and oxygenating recipe that really kicks cancer cells in the butt, no chemo required. It was discovered by German scientist Johanna Budwig. Here’s direct from the book: 

"For a therapeutic dose, take one -third of a cup of flax oil and two thirds of a cup of cottage cheese and mix it well together in a bowl and let the mixture sit for five to eight minutes. Then put the mixture in a blender and add berries and walnuts and almonds. Mix it in a blender on the “Liquefy” setting. Do this every morning. Once you’ve gotten rid of your cancer, you should keep on doing the Budwig protocol, but you can scale back to a maintenance dose: use about half the amount of flax oil and cottage cheese you were using for the therapeutic dose." 

Henderson, Bill; Andrew Scholberg (2009-09-01). How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day (Kindle Locations 340-343). Online Publishing &  Marketing. Kindle Edition. 

One great resource to help with alkaline diet/lifesytle (I’m talking great recipes!) 


TEA: Please do yourselves a favor and read about ESSIAC tea and the remarkable stories of curing cancer with this simple herbal formula. I highly recommend trying it along with a high alkaline diet. 



Start doing three rounds of alternate nostril breathing every morning, noon, and night alone in a private environment (and not at a hospital because there’s sick energy floating everywhere!) This breathing starts to unblock the energy channels inside the body– it’s the best detox for your life force and will also help anyone who’s sick get back her energy. 

GRACE: After doing the breathing, sit and do LIGHT MEDITATION or slowly on the out breath mentally repeat the name of God you like (i.e. Jesus, Krishna, Mother, Father, Om, etc.) You will actually start to experience that grace, not just believe in it. The more you sit and connect the stronger it gets and the more you feel it working inside you. When you’re energy channels are open your body becomes more receptive to higher energy or grace. The light meditation is very powerful and I highly recommend it along with repetition of divine name. Anyone who does the breathing and connection to grace practice (which is basically a very calming meditation) starts to get help immediately. Do it morning and night, and if you can at noon as well. Grandma has been doing the breathing and feeling more and more of Mother Mary’s grace every day! 

For reference for alternate nostril breathing and light meditation check out the drop down menu HERE:


WORKING ON NEGATIVE EMOTIONS: Finally, I cannot recommend the Emotional Freedom Technique enough as well. Through this pressure point system you can get at any negative emotion and erase it permanently. See it for free at the link below. It has been useful for PTSD, severe addiction, grief counseling, rape trauma, and anxiety in adults and children for COMPLETELY GETTING RID OF THE PAIN with out talking about it, years of counseling, or drugs,  and just in one 10 minute session– no joke. EVERYONE should use it on their fears, angers, and sadnesses, (especially after hearing about having a disease) because we are what we attract– we get rid of our fear of our disease, we don’t attract that negativity. 

For reference on the emotional freedom technique and how to use it check out the drop down menu HERE:




Barley Grass

Beet Greens







Chard Greens


Collard Greens Cucumber



Edible Flowers


Fermented Veggies Garlic

Green Beans

Green Peas





Mustard Greens Nightshade Veggies Onions

Parsnips (high glycemic) Peas





Sea Veggies

Spinach, green Spirulina


Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes


Wheat Grass

Wild Greens


Dandelion Root

Kombu Maitake Nori Reishi Shitake Umeboshi Wakame





Banana (high glycemic) Berries

Blackberries Cantaloupe Cherries, sour Coconut, fresh Currants

Dates, dried Figs, dried Grapes Grapefruit Honeydew Melon Lemon

Lime Muskmelons Nectarine Orange



Pineapple Raisins Raspberries Rhubarb Strawberries Tangerine Tomato

Tropical Fruits Umeboshi Plums





Tempeh (fermented) Tofu (fermented) Whey Protein Powder




Chili Pepper Cinnamon Curry Ginger Herbs (all) Miso Mustard Sea Salt Tamari


Alkaline Antioxidant Water Apple Cider Vinegar

Bee Pollen

Fresh Fruit Juice

Green Juices

Lecithin Granules Mineral Water Molasses, blackstrap Probiotic Cultures Soured Dairy Products Veggie Juices


Calcium: pH 12 Cesium: pH 14 Magnesium: pH 9 Potassium: pH 14 Sodium: pH 14

UNKNOWN: The following foods are sometimes attributed to the Acidic side of the chart and sometimes to the Alkaline side.

Brazil Nuts Brussel Sprouts Buckwheat Cashews Chicken


Cottage Cheese Eggs

Flax Seeds Green Tea Herbal Tea Honey Kombucha

Lima Beans

Maple Syrup



Organic Milk (unpasteurized) Potatoes, white

Pumpkin Seeds Quinoa Sauerkraut

Soy Products Sprouted Seeds Squashes Sunflower Seeds Tomatoes


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12 Sep

Your Mother Was Right: Slow Down


I’m tired of hearing how no one has time to eat a healthy meal or sit down in this country. Honestly, it’s a farce because those thoughts are just THOUGHTS. You always have the power to not let your mind control you because tthe real you is the SILENCE BEHIND IT ALL.  

Instead of surfing Facebook, making three calls, and texting your dog walker during your lunch break, go sit outside or in a quiet room and just BE with yourself, your food, and your environment. People are honestly so scared to slow down because if they do they might actually have to face that fearful voice in their head saying they’re not being productive, likable, professional, or efficient. Stop listening to that mind, and just sit down.  

If this idea of sitting down and taking time causes major resistance in the pit of your stomach, then here’s what I have for you: 

* FIrst when you sit down just feel the feeling inside of wanting to rush. Just by observation of the feeling you start to diminish its effects on you. The longer you "feel the feeling" it will diminish, or if you really stick with it it will collapse and then a peaceful energy will come and replace it. Seriously, it sounds simple, and it is, simple and powerful. So DO IT 🙂 

Below are some more practical tasks you can do to help you slow down, but the first choice of awareness if the best choice you can make in the fight against stress, rushing, anxiety, and worry.


– Make a menu for the week. Know exactly what things you need to make breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks– and STOCK your pantry, countertops, and fridge with these items. 

– Create a roadmap or schedule of tasks you need to do every day (or many tasks on one day) to set yourself up for fresh food and time efficient success. 

Ex: If you know Tuesday and Wednesday you work in the evenings and have no time to make anything to take on the go, then make sure you save left overs from Monday night, make a power smoothie in five minutes with your blender, or pre cut veggies/fixins for a salad earlier on in that day so you can throw it all together before you walk out the door. Also, to help you manage time while you do preparations for snacks, write down the task, then next to it write the time you want it to take.  Ex: cook quinoa and store to keep in fridge for the week (20 minutes.) 

– Always have a healthy snack hanging out in your car, gym bag, diaper bag, briefcase, etc. so you have no excuse to be starving or waste time standing in line at a Starbucks for a pre packaged over priced snack.  I recommend SAVI SEED brand sacha inchi seeds (you can find them at lassens and erewhon), or raw almonds with dried apricots, rye crackers, or flax crackers. I also highly recommend having a glass or BPA free water bottle in your house AND in your car. (You can find CHEAP and LOVELY glass water bottles at WORLD MARKET.) 

– Force yourself to sit down for at least 10-15 minutes when you eat. Even if it means pulling over to the side of the road. Your digestion will be better, your mind will be calmer, and honestly, your food will taste better because you will actually taste it and not just be shoveling it in. 

– Take a moment to be grateful for your food. If you like say a blessing, thank mother earth, thank God, or just say ‘thanks food and thanks body."

– Chew that food up! A chinese zen master said the key to his long life was grace, calming the mind, and chewing his food until it was like mush! 

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12 Sep

Green Pancakes

Vegetables in Your Pancakes? 

This recipe is my new favorite– green pancakes! 

Give yourself and your families a serious boost on Sunday morning, or any morning with these protein, fiber, and mineral packed pancakes! (and they’re gluten, soy, and dairy free too!) The green color is vibrant, but the best part is you really don’t taste that "green" taste. 

The original recipe is from Navitas Naturals and here’s my slightly modified version after a few taste testing mornings. 

Green Pancakes


½ Cup Almond Flour

½ packet Stevia (or 1-2 tbs. agave syrup) 

½ packed Cup Kale, washed, dried and chopped

1¼ Cup Almond Milk

€¦â€ Cup Chickpea Flour

1-2 tsp wheatgrass powder 

dash of salt & dash of cinnamon

2 tsp Baking Powder

1 Tbsp Flax Meal + 4 Tbsp warm Water


1) Mix together flax meal and warm water, and set aside.

2) Mix together the flours, salt, baking powder, and cinnamon in a large bowl. 

3) Place almond milk, wheatgrass powder (if using), kale, and agave syrup or stevia into a high speed blender and blend till smooth. Pour this mixture, along with the flax egg, into the dry ingredients, and mix to form a smooth batter.

4) Heat a skillet on medium high. Pour pancakes out by 1/4 cup measurements onto the skillet. When you see bubbles form on top, gingerly flip them, and cook till the bottom is golden brown. For a crispier cake, use coconut oil spray from Trader Joes for coating your skillet. 

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12 Sep


Quinoa + Granola = Quinola 

I found my favorite new way of eating quinoa!! 

The recipe is super simple and high alkaline…and delicious. 

It’s so good it has it’s own name: Quinola 

3/4 c. cooked quinoa, rinsed and well drained

1/2 c. raw pumpkin seeds 

1/2 c. whole or slivered raw almonds

1/4 c. flaxseed 

1/4 c. honey or agave syrup 

2 tbs. canola or coconut oil 

1/2 tsp. coarse salt 

2 tsp. ground cinnamon 

1/4 c. dried cherries, cranberries, raisins, golden berries, chopped apricots, or goji berries 

1) Pre heat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl combine first four ingredients. In another bowl combine honey/agave (that’s been heated in a microwave or stove top pan) with oil, cinnamon, and salt. Pour sweet mixture onto quinoa mixture. Toss to coat. 

2) Spread mixture in a baking pan (standar 15x10x1) and bake uncovered for 20 minutes or until golden brown, after having turned/stirred the granola twice. Add your dried fruit and let granola cool on the pan for 15 minutes. Then spread granola out on foil to cool completely and break up any large chunks. Store in an airtight container or up to two weeks in the fridge. Yields a little over 3 cups granola. 

3) Serve with warm or cold baked or stewed apples and almond milk! It’s just fantastic. 

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22 Jul

Ash’s STAPLE RECIPE: Whipped Cauliflower


Ok. I know it’s not thanksgiving yet, but I’m telling you going low carb for a month brings up all these lower vital urges for sugar and starch. This week’s recipe is one everyone should have as a staple because it’s low carb, high fiber, low calories, and ultra-satisfying.  Add sauteed vegetables, stuffed peppers or mushrooms, vegan sausage, or mushroom gravy and this meal is satisfying enough to please even the most adamant carnivores. Ladies and gents, I bring you the ultimate mashed cauliflower. 

Mashed Cauliflower with Roasted Garlic & Chives 


  • 1 large cauliflower, chopped into florets
  • 2 big cloves of roasted garlic (or 1 clove raw garlic)
  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast 
  • 2 tbsp vegan margarine
  • 1 tbsp fresh chives, chopped
  • salt & pepper


  1. Roast Your Garlic Cloves (optional) Preheat the oven to 325°F. Cut off the end of the garlic cloves to expose the flesh. Place them on a piece of foil, drizzle them with olive oil and season them with salt and pepper. Wrap the cloves up with the foil and place them on baking pan. Bake them for 1 hour. The cloves should be soft and fragrant. When cooled, pop the cloves from their skins, and mash them up before incorporating them into your dish.
  2. Chop the head of cauliflower into small florets.
  3. Place cauliflower in a large pot and fill with just enough water to cover the florets.
  4. Bring the water to boil and then reduce the heat to medium-low. Steam until tender, about 6 minutes.
  5. Drain the cauliflower well.
  6. Place the cauliflower in a large bowl, and puree with potato masher or immersion (stick) blender.
  7. Mix in remaining ingredients, seasoning with salt and pepper, to taste.
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