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Alan Pritz
Rev. Alan Pritz, Interfaith Minister and spiritual disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, has trained in and taught inner sciences for 40+ years. Author of award-winning book, Meditation as a Way of Life: Philosophy and Practice (Quest: 2014), his private practice in Minneapolis, MN, Awake In Life, provides meditation instruction and spiritual counseling-coaching for individuals, couples, and corporations. To learn more see: www.Awake-in-Life.com.

Help the World: Healing through Scientific Prayer

Presented by Rev. Alan L. Pritz Paramahansa Yogananda (author, Autobiography of a Yogi) transmitting spiritual blessings. Negative vibrations of selfishness, ...

Love in the Time of Corona

The world is in a challenging place. Our lives have been shifted into uncharted territory as the latest Corona Virus, ...

Proper Attitude Towards Adversity

The past year has been fraught with changes and challenges. My wife retired due to health issues and I decided ...

Another Version of Christmas

As most people know, December is a chaotic month blending shopping, socializing, Santa, and sundry religious observances. Amidst predominantly Christian ...

God is not a Four-Letter Word

Recently I purchased a Time (magazine) Special Edition: Mindfulness, The New Science of Health and Happiness. The front cover boasted ...

Civility & Decency: Hallmarks of Personal & Social Cultivation

It takes little effort to notice the frequency of low-level behaviors demonstrated individually and societally these days. Regardless of whether ...

Easter Message

I realize that Easter, Christianity, and the issues surrounding resurrection beliefs can be 'gospel' to some, explosive trip-wires for others ...

Spring Renewal: Virtue and Valor

Spring is typically seen as a season of both physical and spiritual renewal. Given the political upheavals confronting this country, ...

Spiritual Understanding to Cope with Times of Change

My original goal with this post was to address political turmoil and global strife from a spiritual perspective. For example, ...

Global Healing and Social Harmony Meditations

A thought came to me recently while meditating: Most everyone I know is frustrated by and discouraged with global strife, ...

Meditation is a Spiritual Practice

As a longtime yogi, meditation teacher, and student of the mystical, I’ve observed the various points through which hatha yoga ...

Political Correctness is not Spiritually Correct

It doesn’t take much review of current headlines to wonder if we’re truly going to hell in a handbasket. Even ...

Applying Patanjali to Politics

Given the imminent presidential election and corresponding Party Convention politics, I felt it might be useful to examine the process ...

Foundations of Yoga, and, the Spiritual Life – Part Four

The forth step toward achieving divine union according to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is Pranayama. Pranayama, aka pranayam, in Sanskrit means ...

Foundations of Yoga, and, the Spiritual Life – Part Three

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras outline eight steps which collectively foster spiritual illumination or the state of divine union otherwise known as ...

Foundations of Yoga, and, the Spiritual Life – Part Two

In my last post I summarized the Yamas or first “Limb” of Patanjali’s Eightfold Path of yoga, as specific forms ...

Foundations of Yoga, and, the Spiritual Life

To fully comprehend the nature of yoga and advance meaningfully on the road to Self-Realization for which it was developed, ...

Yogic Meditation for Yoga Practice

Meditation is often included in modern hatha yoga classes in a relevant-but-not-essential way. Many who utilize meditative elements do so ...

A Spiritual Perspective about Societal Issues

With social unrest percolating at a furious, oft-fanatical bubble these days, many pause to reflect on what is happening, why, ...

Commentary on Meditation

Meditation is my thing, plain and simple; teaching it, my ‘Calling.’ Fortunately I’ve been trained in a tradition empowered by ...

Meditation, Spirituality, and Mental Health

Until relatively recently, yoga, meditation, and non-traditional spirituality - as opposed to classical religious practices - were widely perceived in ...