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24 Jan


I’m happy to let you know about a new book from my dear friend, Madisyn Taylor, co-founder of DailyOM. It is a gentle and accessible step-by-step guide to moving from excessive reliance on medications to fundamentally healing yourself through four pillars of natural wellness.
Madisyn was plagued by depression and anxiety, suffering from chronic physical problems that left her desperate for solutions. Spending decades searching for answers, she first turned to the medical community, which put her on a rollercoaster course of numerous doctors, tests, and an unhealthy reliance on medications that left her numb and lifeless.

With her happiness and future on the line, she then made the decision to become unmedicated, reaching out to the natural, holistic health realm. And after years of practice and research, Madisyn developed an integrative wellness program that put her back in the driver’s seat of her health, and ultimately, her life.

Unmedicated is her thoughtful account of how she broke free from binding mental chains and physical ailments to be happy, healthy, and productive; it is also a guide for you to apply her practical techniques to your own healing journey. Madisyn offers a daily program of easy-to-follow actions based on four pillars that will build a lifelong foundation for health: clear your mind; strengthen your body; nurture your spirit; and find your tribe.

Whether you want to be happy and stay happy, find relief from depression and anxiety, or heal and create a healthy change, Unmedicated is a gentle, compassionate, and achievable path that empowers you to take back your life and live fully.

Here’s an excerpt:
“Learning to heal myself through natural means, I came to the profound realization that my healing path is a lifelong process. The motivation and desire to be happy and healthy in the most natural way possible stemmed from an authentic part of myself, and it is from this authenticity that real change lasts forever. I also came to discover that healing does not have to be expensive, dramatic, or complicated. Healing can be inexpensive, drama free, and simple.
By “simple” I do not mean easy; though I don’t consider my process difficult by any means, it does take dedication. Most people are looking for a quick fix, or a pill to make their life better, or the next fad diet, or a guru who will change their life forever. People look everywhere outside themselves in order to avoid facing the truth of what is inside. I want to tell you that there is power in simplicity and there is strength in building a foundation from within.
I am asking for your time and dedication to do the work. When you do this work and follow the practices, you are declaring to the Universe, “I want this; I am ready.” The Universe will respond in kind. It is in your actions that you speak volumes, and I will tell you from firsthand experience that this works. I teach a healing process involving your entire being-mind, body, and spirit.”
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08 Jan

How About Those Resolutions?


A study from the Better Sleep Council says better sleep may be the key to making 2018 goals stick


ALEXANDRIA, VA – January 9, 2018 – While it’s no secret Americans struggle each year to keep their New Year’s resolutions, one key toward helping them stick to their goals may be right on their pillows. Sleep.


“Adding better sleep to your list of New Year’s resolutions can make it easier to reach some of the other goals on your list, whether that’s exercise, getting fit, or even losing weight,” says Lissa Coffey, a lifestyle expert and BSC spokesperson. “It seems so simple, but getting adequate rest can positively impact every other part of your life. When you’re well rested, it’s easier to choose healthier foods and to feel energized to exercise.”


According to a new survey from the Better Sleep Council (BSC), the nonprofit consumer-education arm of the International Sleep Products Association, 45% of Americans who make 2018 resolutions don’t make much of an effort to keep them and of this 45%, about 9 million Americans won’t make any effort at all. Key findings from this survey suggest sleep may be the resolution that helps Americans stay on track with their top goals in 2018.


A majority of respondents (88%) considered making New Year’s resolutions. Based on the survey, these resolutions included:

  • 53% – Exercise more/get fit
  • 49% – Get/stay fit and healthy
  • 46% – Lose weight
  • 42% – Spend less, save more
  • 37% – Enjoy life to the fullest
  • 31% – Get organized
  • 28% – Start a budget
  • 27% – Spend more time with family and friends
  • 19% – Read more
  • 19% – Learn a new hobby
  • 14% – Stop smoking
  • 8% – Cut back on alcohol


Of those 88%, 27% picked getting more/better sleep. Additionally, those who reported that they wanted more sleep/better sleep as one their resolutions also reported other health-related goals, including exercising more (69%) and staying fit and healthy (68%), which were the top two selected New Year’s resolutions overall.


Also, Americans surveyed who wanted to prioritize sleep in 2018 planned to do so by getting to bed earlier (65%), maintaining a consistent bedtime (62%), and having new nighttime routines (53%). Almost half of those surveyed said they also plan to upgrade their sleep environment by purchasing a new mattress or other bed-related items.

To sleep more soundly – and make health a priority in the New Year – the Better Sleep Council offers these suggestions:

  • Make daily sleep appointments. Develop a routine in which you go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day. Don’t let social media or work distract you, and when it’s bedtime, go to sleep no matter what.
  • Create a great bed for great sleep. If you’re not waking up refreshed every day, it’s time to examine your mattress and decide if you need a new one.
  • Keep it cool, even in the winter. A comfortable sleeping temperature is between 65 and 67 degrees, so turn on an air conditioner or lower the thermostat before bed to make the room right for you.
  • Try yoga. Practice yoga before bed to de-stress after your day, relax your muscles and bring your body to a restful state before hitting the hay.


For more information on getting better sleep, visit http://bettersleep.org/better-sleep/how-to-sleep-better/.


About the BSC
The Better Sleep Council is the consumer-education arm of the International Sleep Products Association, the trade association for the mattress industry. With decades invested in improving sleep quality, the BSC educates consumers on the link between sleep and health, and the role of the sleep environment, primarily through
www.bettersleep.org, partner support and consumer outreach.

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06 May

Five Foods for Better Bone Health

By Kyle Zagrodzky

Osteoporosis isn’t preventable through diet alone, but a balanced diet rich in certain power nutrients can contribute to better bone health and help other activities such as exercise and osteogenic stimulation become even more effective at retaining and producing new bone.

Most people know that dairy products including milk, cheese, and yogurt contain calcium and vitamin D that build stronger bones, but they don’t know that secret super foods such as pistachios contribute to better bone health as well. Dairy is great for bones, but lots of other foods contain additional essential vitamins and nutrients that lead to stronger, healthier bones at every stage of life.


Start your day with an egg.

Eggs contain valuable bone-nourishing nutrients, making them a great choice for breakfast or an omelet dinner. In USDA tests, egg yolks contained 41 IU of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. The body produces vitamin D during sun exposure, but if you’re concerned about skin cancer, eggs are one of the few foods that contain ample amounts of the core nutrient. Eggs also contain vitamins B6 and B12, which reduce levels of amino acids that have been linked to increased risk of hip fractures later in life. The folate in eggs is another B vitamin that helps prevent bone loss.


Embrace olive oil.

A recent study from Spain suggested that a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil might have a strong link to healthier bones. In the study, 127 men between ages 55 and 80 who ate a Mediterranean diet with lots of olive oil had higher levels of osteocalcin in their blood, a sign of healthy bones. Other similar studies have shown that bone disease occurs less frequently in the Mediterranean than in other parts of Europe. To work more olive oil into your diet, use it to cook with instead of vegetable oil, and add it to salad dressings for an extra flavor boost.


Savor some spinach.

Try substituting spinach for regular lettuce in your salads. Spinach contains tons of calcium; just one cup fulfills about 25 percent of an adult’s daily requirement. Spinach also contains natural fiber, iron, and vitamin A, a crucial nutrient for bone growth.


Dip into something good for you.

Slice up some fresh vegetables and go for a dip—guacamole and hummus are both great for bone health. Avocados are packed with vitamin K, which works closely with vitamin D to regulate osteoclast production. Osteoclasts remove old bone to make more room for healthy new bone deposits. Avocados contain boron, a mineral that helps bone metabolism and vitamin D efficiency, as well as copper, which produces collagen and elastin. The chickpeas in hummus contain iron, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K, all of which contribute to strong bones.


Go nuts.

Nuts such as walnuts and pistachios are incredibly beneficial to bone health. Just one fourth of a cup of walnuts has 2.25 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, 100 percent of the recommended daily value. Research has found that Omega-3 fatty acids increase calcium absorption, reduce calcium loss, and improve bone strength through better collagen creation, which simultaneously helps with muscle formation. Walnuts also deliver boron, copper, and manganese. Pistachios contain manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, which all team up to create healthier bones.


Kyle Zagrodzky is president of OsteoStrong, the health and wellness system with that focuses on building stronger bones, muscles, and balance in less than 10 minutes a week using scientifically proven and patented osteogenic stimulation technology. OsteoStrong introduced a new era in modern wellness and anti-aging in 2011 and has helped thousands of clients between ages 8 and 98 improve strength, balance, endurance, and bone density. In 2014, the brand signed commitments with nine regional developers to launch 500 new locations across America. Today, OsteoStrong is becoming a brand with a global reach.

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12 Feb

Handling Headaches Ayurvedically

At some point or another, we’ve all had a headache.  And now that we know about Ayurveda, we have more tools we can use to manage this common condition.  Headaches can be caused by indigestion, constipation, colds or flus, muscle tension, stress, anxiety, anger –lots of different things.  And they can be aggravated by the weather, genetics, and other factors.

A Vata headache is extremely painful, and anxiety and/or depression are usually present.  To treat this headache, try taking some Triphala, drinking Vata tea, and resting.

A Pitta headache is one where the eyes are sensitive to light, and you feel hot, angry or irritable.  Sometimes this is accompanied by a nose bleed.  A beneficial treatment is to apply sandalwood oil to the third eye area, the temples, heart and under the nose to additionally benefit from the aroma.

A Kapha headache is dull and heavy.  You feel tired and nauseous.  Phlegm may be present.  For this condition, basil is helpful, as an herb on food, or as a tea.  The aroma of eucalyptus oil is also beneficial.

Shirodara, a very warm oil head massage, is beneficial for overcoming any headache.

Lissa Coffey’s online newsletters and article content may be reprinted provided the following credit line is included:

Lissa Coffey is an author, media personality, and the founder of CoffeyTalk.com (Reprinted with permission Copyright © Bamboo Entertainment, Inc.)

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