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Your Star Guide Spread
Your Star Guide Spread
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
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Your Present Situation

Bat?s internal radar is exceptionally attuned - is yours? Because Bat medicine is the medicine of transformation, he is asking you to re-examine your life to determine (using all of your senses) what is worth keeping and what needs to be discarded. For every death there is a rebirth and Bat is here to help you decide what goes and what stays.



The Cause of Your Conflicts and Obstacles

Beaver may be one of the hardest working animals on the planet. Beaver is attuned to both earth and water medicine, and is strongly attached to home and family. Beaver appears in your reading to remind you that sometimes there's no substitute for hard work. Make a plan, create a solid foundation, then take the next indicated step.



The Changes You Need to Make to Face Your Challenges

Ancient culture associate Magpies with excellent fortune - so it looks like you?ve got something really terrific coming into your life today. However, you may need to search a little to understand the true gift that's being presented. Pay attention to omens, messages, the clouds, feathers, bird son - your fortune is hidden in those subtle messages. Opportunity is knocking at your door - will you answer?



Your Strengths

Wolf can survive either as a loner or as part of a pack, and he howls to remind you that you have to balance the needs of others with the needs of the self. If you're giving yourself away to your own detriment, you are living in opposition to Wolf medicine. Return to balance - and begin feeding your emotions, your mind, and your body.



Other Challenges

Panther medicine is the medicine of silence. Panther can stalk its prey in absolute silence - one of the reasons native tribes associate him with the spirit world - particularly the night. Panther can show you how to face the Shadow within and bring it out into the Light. Panther is powerful medicine - and the fact that you choose him says much about your willingness to face the unknown.



The Final Outcome

Phew! Everyone knows Skunk's power - that's why people (and other animals) get out of his way! If you're lacking self-esteem, Skunk is there to help. You are worthy of a happy life - and if someone is making you miserable, look to Skunk as a confidence builder. Remember, though, Skunk doesn't have to spray to be powerful - his reputation precedes him! And, like Skunk, you don't need to spray either-but you do need to stand your ground calmly, and with Skunk's confidence.



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