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Your Medicine Wheel

Your Medicine Wheel
Your Medicine Wheel
This reading explores the energies present in your life in each area of the Medicine Wheel. Choose this spread when you need a greater understanding of the inner forces at work in your life today.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
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Center: The animal spirit that appears in the center of the Medicine Wheel reflects who you are at this point in time.


Wolverine is thought to be a bridge between the physical and spirit worlds. He has the ability to survive in the most difficult terrains - and his message to you is of inner strength. Have you forgotten just how powerful you really are? If so, it's time to refocus and re-dedicate - and remember that Wolverine medicine runs through your blood.



North: The animal that appears in the North shows you how to walk your talk. Here lies your connection with your Higher Self.


Badger is a ferocious opponent, unwilling to back down over any issue. Unfortunately, this unwavering stance leads some Badgers to their demise. If Badger has dug into your reading, he is asking whether you are fighting the right fight. Is this issue the hill you're willing to die on, or are you fighting for no other reason than pure stubbornness? Think about it.



East: This animal reveals the direction you need to take in order to gain clarity about your present situation.


Otter represents one of the most playful feminine energies on earth - and she has swum over into your reading to bring a message of joyful play. If life has been difficult or challenges overwhelming, relax a little - Otter is here to remind you that play is just as important as work - and NOT competitive play, but rather the kind you loved as a child. Hopscotch anyone?



South: This animal explores issues dealing with your inner child, and shows the energy needed to trust your own process.


Bat?s internal radar is exceptionally attuned - is yours? Because Bat medicine is the medicine of transformation, he is asking you to re-examine your life to determine (using all of your senses) what is worth keeping and what needs to be discarded. For every death there is a rebirth and Bat is here to help you decide what goes and what stays.



West: The animal that appears in the West holds the answer to your present challenge.


Fox medicine represents the ability to blend in. She can change colors to blend with the seasons - becoming almost invisible against a backdrop of snow or foliage. Fox also has an amazing sense of smell that enables her to sniff out dangerous situations. Be like a Fox - street smart and safety savvy - don't call attention to yourself as today is a day of watch and wait.



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