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Your Medicine Wheel

Your Medicine Wheel
Your Medicine Wheel
This reading explores the energies present in your life in each area of the Medicine Wheel. Choose this spread when you need a greater understanding of the inner forces at work in your life today.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
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Center: The animal spirit that appears in the center of the Medicine Wheel reflects who you are at this point in time.


Bear represents a time of reflection and stillness - a time of entering the inner cave of Self to contemplate life's challenges. Bear often appears during times of confusion and unrest - those unsettling moments when you turn to everyone you know for answers - everyone except yourself. Go within, ask the hard questions?then listen.



North: The animal that appears in the North shows you how to walk your talk. Here lies your connection with your Higher Self.


Phew! Everyone knows Skunk's power - that's why people (and other animals) get out of his way! If you're lacking self-esteem, Skunk is there to help. You are worthy of a happy life - and if someone is making you miserable, look to Skunk as a confidence builder. Remember, though, Skunk doesn't have to spray to be powerful - his reputation precedes him! And, like Skunk, you don't need to spray either-but you do need to stand your ground calmly, and with Skunk's confidence.



East: This animal reveals the direction you need to take in order to gain clarity about your present situation.


Loons mate for life, and their medicine is about loyalty, family, and deep caring for one another. If you're experiencing a relationship fraught with power struggles, you are NOT practicing Loon medicine. If your relationship has BECOME a power struggle, Loon has appeared to remind you that this is a time of equal sharing and equal happiness. Something is amiss and Loon thinks you already know what it is.



South: This animal explores issues dealing with your inner child, and shows the energy needed to trust your own process.


Turtle carries his home on his back, and his question to you today is whether your life is weighed down with "things" that serve no purpose. Everyone loves buying stuff, but do you use shopping, spending, and the acquisition of "things" as a substitute for passion, conviction, commitment? It?s worth thinking about, isn't it?



West: The animal that appears in the West holds the answer to your present challenge.


Frog Rivet! Something in your life needs cleansing, and frog is here to help. Frog is traditionally associated with rain - that powerful force of Nature that can flood, nurture, heal, or drown. If Frog appears in your reading, you're being asked to examine what is stagnating in your life - then ask Frog to help you let it go. Need to cry? Jump in the shower and let Frog Medicine do its work.



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