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Your Year Ahead Reading
Your Year Ahead Reading
This Reading is used to reveal key influences that will effect your life from month to month over the next year. In this reading Animal Spirit Influences may repeat themselves. Indeed, you may find that the same Animal Spirit reflects the primary influence of many months in the year before you.
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Ever watched a school of dolphins playing with each other, or with the surfers in their midst? If you have, you'll understand the message Dolphin brings today - the message of joyful play. Dolphins are in total harmony with their environment, and practice love for each other - always helping the young, or a sick comrade. Join Dolphin's happy community today and celebrate how much we're all alike, instead of focusing on our differences.

Has Snake slithered into your world today? If so, you are being asked to undergo a major transformation. Are you willing to shed your old skin? Are you willing to let go of people, places, and things that no longer have a place in your life? Snake will help you make the grand transformation, then slide into a new life that's brimming with possibility.

Is your life in a state of balance? If not, long-legged Heron has flown in today to help you. Because Heron is a water bird, he is most often associated with emotions. He stands motionless, almost in a trance, his body mirrored in the water below. Take a few moments today to be like Heron - be quiet, go within, and discover the answer to your questions.

Spider represents a connection between past and future, to remind you that the web you weave today is the web you will inhabit tomorrow. Are you spinning a balanced future? Spider is also a creator, spinning stories just as easily as she does a web. Spider in your reading asks you to consider the future you are weaving?does it include your biggest dreams?

Ancient culture associate Magpies with excellent fortune - so it looks like you?ve got something really terrific coming into your life today. However, you may need to search a little to understand the true gift that's being presented. Pay attention to omens, messages, the clouds, feathers, bird son - your fortune is hidden in those subtle messages. Opportunity is knocking at your door - will you answer?

You've heard the expression "playing possum"? It means to play dead and is derived from Opossum's ability to act in whatever way the situation demands. If it's practical to play dead, so be it; if it's to Opossum's advantage to be aggressive, watch out! Take your cue from this master actor toda - and play the role that will serve you best.

Spider represents a connection between past and future, to remind you that the web you weave today is the web you will inhabit tomorrow. Are you spinning a balanced future? Spider is also a creator, spinning stories just as easily as she does a web. Spider in your reading asks you to consider the future you are weaving?does it include your biggest dreams?

Many cultures associate Owl with death, while others see Owl as the ?night eagle" - the bird that embodies shamanism. Owl has exceptional hearing, and his medicine is one of clairaudienc - the ability to hear spirit. If Owl has silently glided into your life today, he is asking you to face your own fears, and listen to the messages spirit is sending you.

Panther medicine is the medicine of silence. Panther can stalk its prey in absolute silence - one of the reasons native tribes associate him with the spirit world - particularly the night. Panther can show you how to face the Shadow within and bring it out into the Light. Panther is powerful medicine - and the fact that you choose him says much about your willingness to face the unknown.

Is your life in a state of balance? If not, long-legged Heron has flown in today to help you. Because Heron is a water bird, he is most often associated with emotions. He stands motionless, almost in a trance, his body mirrored in the water below. Take a few moments today to be like Heron - be quiet, go within, and discover the answer to your questions.

Has Snake slithered into your world today? If so, you are being asked to undergo a major transformation. Are you willing to shed your old skin? Are you willing to let go of people, places, and things that no longer have a place in your life? Snake will help you make the grand transformation, then slide into a new life that's brimming with possibility.

Fox medicine represents the ability to blend in. She can change colors to blend with the seasons - becoming almost invisible against a backdrop of snow or foliage. Fox also has an amazing sense of smell that enables her to sniff out dangerous situations. Be like a Fox - street smart and safety savvy - don't call attention to yourself as today is a day of watch and wait.
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