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Vata - July

Author: Lissa Coffey
Vatas just love the warm weather, so you're feeling pretty good right now. Just make sure you don't get too dried out; drink plenty of water, and even mist the air to make it more humid for you. Be careful of the chlorine in swimming pools, which can dry out your skin - shower off after a swim, and use plenty of sesame oil to replenish the moisture. This is a great month to express your humor and creativity. Write notes to yourself so you can remember all the great ideas you come up with!

Pitta - July

Author: Lissa Coffey
OK, calm down, summer has just barely started! Yes, it's hot, but you don't have to lose your cool. Crank up the air conditioning, and whip yourself up a coconut milk smoothie. If you must go outside, slather on the sunscreen and wear a hat and dark sunglasses. It's important to protect your sensitive skin and eyes from the burning rays of the sun. Ah, but the nighttime is a different story; you'll love lounging under the cool night sky, gazing at the stars and soaking up the healing moonlight.

Kapha - July

Author: Lissa Coffey
This is a great time of year to indulge in all the fresh fruits and vegetables available to us. How about a grilled vegetable kabob served over rice, with a small green salad for dinner? Garnish with homegrown basil and tomatoes, drizzle with a little balsamic vinegar. Yummy! Kaphas don't mind warm weather, but you get mighty uncomfortable when it gets too humid. Keep a little fan nearby, it helps to circulate the air.