19 Jul

Playing with a Dynamic Vision Board

Susan Sherayko
Susan Sherayko is a spiritual life coach, author of Rainbows Over Ruins, Executive in Charge of Production and Emmy nominated Line Producer for “Home and Family” on Hallmark Channel. Susan also produces a podcast, "Rebuilding Your Life: Moving from Disaster to Prosperity" that guides people through a process that enabled her to rebuild after a landslide. When not writing and producing, Susan lives on a 5 acre ranch with her husband, horses and dogs. To learn more, visit: the Hay House Online Catalog, Amazon.com or Balboa Press. http://bookstore.balboapress.com/Products/SKU-000627602/Rainbows-Over-Ruins.aspx
Susan Sherayko

Visualization is such an important part of moving our desires from wishing to becoming, and having a vision board is one very good way to move vision from inside your head to a format that you can see and touch.  

Recently, I received a comment about my own board.   Marketing consultant Bill Ganz (author “Belonging Networks”) suggested that I turn it around to show what people experience when they pursue a dream.  He wanted to see more than my activities on the board.  He wanted to see my relationships and the value their personal journeys would provide them. 

Then and there, I decided to change the focus of the board
to show that value.  Actually changing the board’s focus required me to stop
thinking so much about my own activities.  It required me to really see where people are
when they begin the manifestation journey as well as the ways they move through the inner changes that occur to help them move toward their

To do this,  I had to go through a
creative thought process.  The steps are simple. 

Gather all the idea and resources related to a
question that you can.

Turn the question over to your subconscious mind
and quietly “sit for ideas” or go do something else.  Let go.

“Wait for it.” 
It may take some time to get results so keep holding the idea in mind,
fueling a response with your desire and visualization of what might be.

Then, whoosh, a “downward” energy begins to flow
and you are filled with ideas that answer your question.  You record them and translate them into a
useable form that helps you execute them.

Take action.

In my case, I dismantled the existing board, removing
all the items that were about my journey, my map and my process.  What remained was a very small core grouping
of feelings in a very large, empty space. 

Next, I “sat for ideas” about the client journey within the
context of my book’s message: You can accomplish anything when you change what
you are telling yourself.  Fortunately,
my podcast Rebuilding Your Life: Moving
from Disaster to Prosperity
is a good jumping off place for a sense of that

I held the image Bill Ganz had given me along with an image of Maslow’s pyramid of needs. My goal was to identify our feelings when we begin and when we accomplish our goals.  We may feel poorly and want to feel better.  We may feelstuck and want to see forward
motion.   Every step in any process should help us on the journey to move from where we are to where we want to be. 

Once the creative down flow began, it only took a few days to capture it as a revised vision board. The new display is much more inspirational for others as well as myself.  I’m glad I took the time to play with new ideas that shifted my focus in such a positive way.  

What effect the new board will have remains to be
discovered, Already, a
stream of content has been flowing to me about creative visualization.  I’ve begun to connect with Helen Sherry, one
of the authors included in Christine Kloser’s Pebbles in the Pond, Wave Four in which Dr. Sherry writes about
living vision boards.  Lisa Nichols’
Creative Visualization program is resurfacing in my consciousness and Mind Movies are knocking at the door. 

We can all learn to use new steps and perspectives to
achieve joy and well-being in our lives. 
Schedule a time to play with your own vision board, as it can be
a dynamic, creative expression of your dreams. 
Happy Boarding!

To Your Success,


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