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06 Jan
06 Jan
06 Jan
06 Jan
06 Jan
06 Jan
06 Jan

Holidays 4

All the great pleasures in life are silent.
-Georges Clemenceau

What is the sound of love, joy, or beauty? These are things we recognize because we feel them, we know them. Great composers have tried to express this with music, and great poets have tried to put it into words. And yet love and joy and beauty are too big to be captured on any canvas, or any recording. We can close our eyes, we can listen to the silence, and find them anytime.
-Lissa Coffey

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06 Jan

Holidays 3

“Earth laughs in flowers.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Flowers are an expression of joy. It seems like a miracle that the earth can produce such a variety of species, so colorful, vibrant and full of life. Is it any wonder that we’ve made such a tradition of giving flowers in courtship? Sometimes flowers say what words cannot.
-Lissa Coffey

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06 Jan

Holidays 2

“Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of our science.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Emerson always states it so well. Wonder is that “what if” that spurs us on to progress. It is the seed of science, but also the seed of creativity. We come up with ideas before we can make them into a reality – and those ideas come from wonder. Let’s make it a point to spend some time just wondering today.
-Lissa Coffey

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06 Jan

Holidays 1

“Wonder is music heard in the heart, is voiceless.”
-Rosemary Dobson, 1973

We can’t hear wonder with our ears, or see it with our eyes. It’s something that goes on in our hearts. It’s the process of translating something that might ordinarily seem mundane into something spectacular. It’s recognizing the divine within everything and everyone.
-Lissa Coffey

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