10 Apr

Welcome Springtime by Creating Wellness

Maria Francesca

Maria Francesca

Maria Francesca Triliegi is the founder of Spirit*Mind*Bodyworks providing practical tools for living life with a wellness approach. Maria was certified as an astrologer in 1983 and as a minister in 1992. She is an avid writer, educator and personal growth motivator.
Maria Francesca

Welcome Springtime by Creating Wellness

It is almost funny to see how, why and where the word wellness has created such a stir on our planet.  It seems to be the new buzzword for our 21st century.  And what does it really mean?   Is to be well to be in a state of good health?   Is to be well to live with a spirit, heart, mind and body balance that defines what our energy levels will be each day?  Is to be well to be able to share our positive thoughts and feelings with others?  Should we be concerned that this word like many others is being overused and misused? 


The word “wellness” besides selling health insurance is being used to sell cars, travel plans, stocks and bonds, clothing lines, food and a myriad of other commercial products.  The word wellness is quite simple.   Clearly stated, to be well is the opposite of to be sick.  To be well is to live with ease, not dis-ease. 


To create a sense of wellness is to provide oneself and one’s loved ones with a lifestyle that will bring peace, tranquility and a sense of joy that comes from unencumbered and simple living.   Wellness is not to be confused with seeking after all of the entrapments that will hopefully somehow bring one to a state of wellness.  This idea does not advocate that we must strip ourselves of all that we enjoy.  Of course we should have the pleasures and conveniences necessary to add comfort to our lives.  The challenge is to know when we are there. The more that humans create stress in their search after what will bring them the ultimate pleasures and conveniences, the more their spirits, hearts, minds and especially their bodies are experiencing dis-ease. 


It is interesting to note what is happening to our societies as we strive and drive ourselves further and further into debt to accomplish this goal of bringing wellness into our lives.


So we must ask how much does one person need?  How much does one family need?  How many products does one household need to feel well?  All of our electronic equipment alone is daunting to observe from our many telephones, televisions, DVD, CD players, IPads, IPods and computers in many rooms in one house.  Why is there a car necessary for each member of the family and a cell phone for each member of the family?  We can go on and on and on about all of the other conveniences we find are becoming more and more what we deem to be necessary to create a state of wellness. This lifestyle of quick and fast and needing it now is destroying the very natural cycles of our lives and our ability to live in the wellness we are seeking.  Even our billboards are claiming “I have just made right now faster “.  It feels as if we will soon be living in a future present.  We will not even have to be in the now of our lives.  Living in today is becoming obsolete.  We are all running as fast as we can searching for a sense of wellness that can really only happen by slowing down.  Cars are driving faster and faster on the road.  We can now reach anyone at anytime and anywhere and where will this all take us?  What kind of pleasurable experiences await in that future experience and when will we ever get there?


Wellness means to live in a state of good health.  This means spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially.  Please be aware of what wellness really is every time we push ourselves to go the extra mile so we can buy more of what we believe will bring us wellness. 


 Please remember that every time you pull that credit card out of your wallet to purchase something, ask yourself “is this necessary”?  “Is this product going to bring me wellness?”  The stress of paying for what we purchase today well into the future can continue to create dis-ease of the highest order.


We must learn to honor ourselves and our loved ones by creating a true sense of wellness.  This will also honor our beautiful Mother Earth who is definitely overworked and underpaid.

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