05 Jan


“ Green is the fresh emblem of well-founded hopes. In blue the spirit can wander, but in green it can rest.”
-Mary Webb, The Spring of Joy, 1917

The theme for this week is “colors.” We live in this technicolor world and I think we sometimes take that for granted. So let’s put our attention on colors just a little bit and see what we can learn from their presence in our lives. Green brings to mind growth – all the green grass, green moss, it is cool and restful. Green also represents growth in terms of money, financial growth. But then we also say that we can be “green with envy” and that’s not such a good thing! There’s also the gardener who has a “green thumb” – and I remember Mr. Green Jeans on Captain Kangaroo! What comes to mind when you think of green? Emeralds, Ireland… let your imagination wander a little!
-Lissa Coffey

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