31 Aug

Water Containers

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Our bodies are made up mostly of water.  Our earth is made up mostly of water.  Water is good, and necessary, and we’ve been drinking a lot of it.  We see people carrying around the bottles like they’re a fashion accessory.  We’re healthy and hydrated.  Unfortunately, we’ve created another problem for ourselves with all of these disposable plastic water bottles.  Turns out we use more than 70 million of these bottles each day in the U.S.  To recycle the bottles requires a lot of oil, which is bad for the environment.  22 billion bottles are not recycled each year, and end up in landfills or incinerators.  It takes 1000 years for one plastic bottle to decompose.  When burned, the melting plastic releases toxic fumes that attack the ozone layer.  What’s the solution?  Drink tap water.  If you don’t like the taste of your tap water, then add a water filter.  Get a sports water bottle that can be refilled and use it when you’re driving around.  Just like with the canvas grocery bags, it’s just a matter of us getting into a new, good habit.


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