31 Aug

Tongue Diagnosis

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

When visiting an Ayurvedic Practitioner, he or she will ask you to stick out your tongue.  This isn’t to look at the back of your throat, as a western doctor might do, but to actually look at the tongue itself.  We can learn a lot from the tongue.  This is an organ that serves two purposes – it is the organ of speech, and it also a sensory organ that perceives taste.  From the tongue, a skilled practitioner can get information about the whole body.  A vata tongue is thin, small, and often a little dry.  A pitta tongue is broad at the base and tapered at the apex.  A kapha tongue is large, round, glossy, thick and wet.  If a tongue is pale in color, this indicates anemia.  A yellowish tongue may indicate jaundice, or some type of liver dysfunction.  A green tongue indicates a gallbladder disorder.  A blue or purple tongue is indicative of heart problems.  A central line near the tip of the tongue indicates pain in the upper spine, and two lines shows pain in the upper neck area; both of these are common vata disorders.  A healthy tongue will look clean and pink, with no white coating.  Many people have a slight coating on the back of the tongue, which indicates toxins in the color.  Digestion continues through the night, so it is a good idea to scrape the tongue early in the morning to massage the areas related to the digestive organs.

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