05 Jan

The Rise of the Silver Surfer: The Fantastic 4 #2

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Grade: C

I wouldn’t have chosen to go to The Silver Surfer on my own, but I owed Greg one.  Marvel Comics has quite a franchise on its hands with this group.  Kids have got to love The Torch, The Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic and whatever that rock guy’s name is.  The violence is cartoon violence, no blood, no real harm done to people.  Everything is comic book exaggerated – Jessica Alba’s lips for example, and her blonde wig.  I read an interview where she said she didn’t have to work out to get in shape for the movie because her suit was padded to be perfect.  There’s a new villain, the Surfer, who is saved at the end – does anyone really die in comic books?  So there’s likely to be a sequel in which the Surfer is now a good guy.  The whole thing clocks in at around an hour and 20 minutes or so.  Great for kids’ short attention spans.  Or for parents who get bored easily.
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