30 Mar

The Four Pearls and The Four Squirrels

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey


New Book Provides Four Pearls of Wisdom for Finding Happiness While Avoiding Distractions

In the time-honored tradition of the fable, author Lissa Coffey has created a whimsical, meaningful book that will delight readers of all ages. The Four Pearls and The Four Squirrels: A Modern Fable About Happiness and Distraction is a modern-day classic filled with wisdom. It inspires and enlightens in the same way that Jonathan Livingston Seagull has for generations.

Encouraged by their mentor Merlinda, four squirrels set out on a quest to find a treasure hidden in the forest. The four pearls they search for represent profound truths that lead to happiness and peace of mind. The squirrels also discover that these truths are the antidote to the many distractions that can keep us from achieving our goals.

· The First Pearl: Look at what you have, not at what you don’t have.

· The Second Pearl: Look at what you are doing, not at what anyone else is doing.

· The Third Pearl: Look at the opportunities, not at the obstacles.

· The Fourth Pearl: Look at what matters, not at what doesn’t matter.

These pearls of wisdom, along with their associated Happiness Principles (Gratitude, Focus, Fortitude, Faith) form the basis for a philosophy that helps readers through challenges in every aspect of life.

More info about the book at FourPearlsBook.com

The book is designed both exterior and interior with a unique lettering style created by Ray Mawst RayMawst.com 


About the Author

Lissa Coffey is the author of The Four Pearls and The Four Squirrels. Her mentor, Deepak Chopra, says: “Your heart will thank you for Lissa’s helpful and heartful vision.” Lissa has written several books, including the bestselling “What’s Your Dosha, Baby?” She is a lifestyle expert who has been featured on The Today Show and many other national and local television programs. Visit Lissa online at her site: CoffeyTalk.com.


The Buzz

“The Jonathan Livingston Seagull for a new millennium. The Four Pearls and The Four Squirrels is a wondrous tale that minds us of the true route to happiness and self-fulfillment.”

-Scott Stantis, Editorial Cartoonist, Chicago Times and USA Today, and creator of the comic strip Prickly City


“For those of us fortunate enough to have had mentors, we know what a difference such guidance can make in our lives. With this book, author Lissa Coffey has also taken on the role of mentor in bringing this sweet, clear, profound wisdom to her readers.”

-From the Foreword by Marilyn Schlitz, PhD


“The Four Pearls and The Four Squirrels is a charming tale! I love that the story emphasizes patience, gratitude, wisdom gained along the way, and to keeping your mind open in the changes our journey through life presents to us. Lissa Coffey takes us on a whimsical journey of discovery with humor, honesty, and a few bumps along the way!”

-Cristina Ferrare, New York Times Best Selling Author, TV Talk Show Host, Philanthropist



· Do You Want to Be Happy? Pearls represent pearls of wisdom, what we need to remember when we feel unhappy in any way. Squirrels represent the distractions that often keep us from being happy. Lissa discusses the four pearls, and the four principles of happiness that we can use anytime, anywhere, to bring ourselves to that peace of mind that we crave.

· Mentorship Changes Lives! Lissa has been a Big Sister with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America program. Research shows that one-on-one mentoring programs have real-life positive outcomes in children’s lives: http://www.bbbs.org/research/ Lissa will go over some of the data, and introduce viewers to a successful Big and Little match.

· Save the Squirrels! When people learn about the hardships animals face each day, they are more willing to take a proactive approach toward protecting the natural environment and the habitats of our wild neighbors. Lissa gives tips for how we can co-exist with, and respect wild animals in our communities.



The Four Pearls and The Four Squirrels

April, 2017 – Personal Growth/Inspiration – Paperback / ebook – 102 pages

Price: $13.99 – ISBN 978-1-88321-225-4

Available on Amazon and everywhere!

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