31 Aug

The Doshas and Compatibility

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

When we understand how the doshas influence our personalities, then we can use this information to help us get along better with the people in our lives.  It’s about loving “what is” rather than what we think “should be.” thats about acceptance, and allowing people to be who they are instead of trying to change them.  Since the “What’s Your Dosha, Baby?” book came out, I have had lots of feedback from people who tell me what a difference this knowledge of Ayurveda has made in their relationships.  I decided to take it one step further and create the very first Ayurvedic online dating site, DoshaMatch.com.  Of course there are many dating sites, but we are the only that asks, “What’s Your Dosha?” DoshaMatch is just getting started, so keep an eye on it and you’ll see new people all the time.  We have members from all over the world!  I know that often people are looking for someone right in their own geographic area, but don’t let location stop you!  When I met my husband, Greg, he was living in Australia ¬â€Å“ and he moved to the U.S. just for me.  By the way, I’m a Vata, and he’s a Pitta, so writing the Vata Woman/Pitta Man chapter of the book was very easy!  There’s a perfect Dosha Match out there for all of us.

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