31 Dec

Spring Has Sprung!

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Ah, Spring has Sprung!  It’s a time of change, renewal, and allergies!  Something is in the air that has me sniffling like crazy.  Spring is Kapha season, so I’m doing some dosha balancing rituals to help keep my Kapha from getting out of control.  Just something more for the “to do” list these days.  I have to keep our squirrel feeder filled to the brim with peanuts because one of our little squirrel friends is preggers.  She’s so sweet, and we want to keep her well fed and happy.  The birds are nesting under the eaves right outside out kitchen window.  Flowers are blooming, and there is a new energy in the air to go with the sunshine.  Gotta love it!

Things are so busy around here that I can afford to be a little more particular than usual about what auditions I choose to go on.  My agent called last week with a commercial for me.  He starts by giving me all the details, time, place, and so forth.  And then he says: “You are reading for the role of bungee jumper.”  Very calmly he says this!  I’m like – what?!  Say that again?  Does that mean I have to bungee jump?  “Yes,” he replies.  Uh no, I insist.  Not doing that one!  Sure, I’d love a national television spot – but there are just some things I won’t do, even (or especially) for the camera: strip, eat meat, and leap head first into oblivion with a stretchy cord tied to my ankles.  Safety first, you know what I mean?  I’d like to think that I am just as adventurous as I ever was, I’m just not as crazy!  Still susceptible to hay fever, but I’m a little more immune to Spring Fever.

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