02 Sep

Prevent Menopause Weight Gain, Hot Flashes and Depression Too!

Valerie Martinez

Valerie Martinez

Valerie Martinez began her journey toward a “healthy way of life” over 20 years ago. As a mother of three, she became, by necessity, a master at understanding natural health and applying it in every day life. What she shares with you comes from real life experience. Her mission is to be your “wellness coach”, to cheer you on and inspire women of all ages to be architects of change in their own lives. "True health doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s the exact opposite: true health is simple. It’s the result of healthy choices that become healthy habits that lead to the “healthy way of life." -- Visit Valerie at WomensHealthMadeSimple.com today!
Valerie Martinez

If you are a woman in your forties or fifties, you may have noticed a few extra inches around your waist. You can thank menopause for that. During the transition to menopause, many women find that losing weight is very difficult, and they also notice a shift in weight from their hips and thighs to their stomachs. Menopause weight gain, especially in the abdomen, is a normal part of the signs of menopause, but thankfully, it does not have to be inevitable.

There are a variety of simple ways to prevent menopause weight gain: One of the first and simplest steps you can take is to prevent weight gain before it starts.  Starting in your thirties, it’s an excellent idea to pay extra attention to your diet and exercise plan.  Try to stick to a healthy, low-calorie, nutrient rich diet and increase the amount of exercise you get.  As your metabolism slows with age, you’ll probably need about 200 fewer calories per day.  At this time of life, your  body will tend to burn fewer calories and lose muscle mass. To combat this we recommend adding or increasing aerobic exercise and include weight training to your routine. Both are beneficial in avoiding mid-life weight gain.

Weight gain is not only uncomfortable, but it also may lead to more serious health problems Menopause itself can be a factor in heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer.  But menopause weight gain will increase the chances of these conditions.  Anything you can do to prevent midlife weight gain will have tremendous positive influences on lifelong overall health. Preventing weight gain will also reduce the apparent link between menopause and depression.

 Many experts  recommend a holistic approach to jump start your metabolism. Start with a good detox cleanse and combine that with healthy eating and proper exercise to loosen up and flush out both the fat and the toxins at the same time.  This is very important as toxins are stored in fat cells, and women biologically carry more fat than men do.  Studies show that we also carry around more toxins – this makes us especially susceptible to various womens’ cancers and also makes it more difficult for our bodies to eliminate excess fat.

That being said, a HUGE tip for you is to consider giving up or greatly reducing sugar in your diet – this is a good place for you to start since one of the major hormones in your body is INSULIN. If your body has too much insulin this will throw off your hormonal balance. And if one hormone is off – they’re all off. Your hormones work together and actually speak to one another. So if you’re eating a diet loaded with sugar, processed foods and chemicals, your insulin will rise – and weight gain will be the result.

Hormonal balance helps lead to greater menopause relief – from hot flashes, weight gain and depression, especially. Those wicked three are greatly hormone-driven, so when you get proper nutrition, regular exercise AND include  menopausal support supplements, you will make leaps and bounds towards making your menopause a positive experience.

For more information visit me at www.WomensHealthMadeSimple.com and download our FREE eBook: 4 Steps to Hormone Health & Weight Loss: “Every Girls Survival Guide”
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional or any information contained in product labeling. You should consult a healthcare professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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