31 Aug

Paint by Dosha

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

I created Dosha Design to help people understand how we can bring the healing power of Ayurveda into our homes in a beautiful and practical way.  It’s about combining Vastu, which is the science of placement and a sister-science to Ayurveda, color theory and your personal style to create an environment in which we can thrive – feeling happy, healthy and living life in balance.  Recently I found a company that makes my job so much easier, and more fun!  AFM Safecoat, the leading provider of safe, non-polluting paints and finishes, has come out with “Ayurveda Essence Colors,” a holistic color system with three beautiful color palettes specifically for each dosha.  There are three sets of 36, one for Vata, one for Pitta, and one for Kapha, making a total of 108 (a very significant number!) colors in all.  AFM Safecoat’s innovative paints are toxin-free, which is very important to those of us living an ayurvedic lifestyle.  And the colors are amazing!  You can coordinate easily within each palette because the combinations all work together.  The Vata color set is made up of warm grounding colors, with names like Leaf, Chakra, and Sun.  The Pitta color set has a soothing effect and names like Spirit, Purpose, and Ajala.  The Kapha color set is vibrant and energizing, with names like Fire, Ananda, and Elevate.


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