31 Dec

Numerology from Yogi Akal!

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

I’m so happy and excited to welcome our new CoffeyTalk contributor Yogi Akal!  He will be posting blogs in the category of Health and Happiness and you can visit his page to read his bio and blog posts here: https://www.coffeytalk.com/yogi-akal/

Yogi Akal asked for my birthdate so that he could give me a reading, and of course I couldn’t pass that up!  Here’s what he had to say… I think this describes me rather well! 



Four is your biggest challenge and achievement. This is the power of your word, your ability to work hard, your organizational skill. These are themes that will surface and re-surface, as you are developing mastery in life.


WHO AM I?  An Inspiration.

SEVEN is your real strength. You are an analytical and patient personality, shining through a soul than uplifts everyone, including your Self. You keep growing, whether you are alone or busy in a relationship.


WHY AM I HERE?  To create and disseminate knowledge.

SEVEN is also your reason for being alive at this time in this place in this form. You have chosen to make others successful and will always benefit from that effort.


HOW DO I CHANGE MY LIFE?  Finish what you start.

TEN is your lever for success. This is your courage, radiance and dynamism. Although the seven makes you thoughtful, the ten makes you impactful. You can never hide, because you are always standing out.



EIGHT is your minimum performance. This is the number of executive power and spiritual energy. When you combine these two forces, you are very effective. Be open to criticism and praise, as both will always follow you around. It is  NEVER personal, no matter how biting or complimentary. When you are grateful, your ability to transform anything increases.


WHERE AM I GOING?  To Partnership

In 2013 there are important partnerships unfolding. These may be related to work, service or home. But in each case, they will require your best attention. When you know your heart and you see the heart of your colleague, you know exactly what to say and do.



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