05 Jan

The Illusionist

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Grade: A

What a nice surprise! I didn’t expect to like this movie. From the previews, I really couldn’t tell what it was about. But let me tell you… it’s a love story! It’s marvelous! And it’s a mystery and a thriller and even a little bit of a soap opera. The effects are amazing. Edward Norton has the title role. He’s a kind of Harry Houdini with a mystical side. He comes from “common” stock and falls in love with an upper crust girl, played as a young lady by Jessica Biel. The two are separated, and then reunited as adults during one of his magic shows. But, alas, she is promised to a prince, and complications ensue. Paul Giamatti is the police investigator on the prince’s payroll. The story plays out nicely, with lots of twists and turns. And then when the pieces fall in place it’s fabulous – a great pay-off. I loved “The Illusionist!”
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