04 Jan

Star Trek

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Grade: A-

What a surprise!  Star Trek is a really fun movie.  It’s sci-fi, but not heavy handed.  It’s more of a space themed action/comedy, with lots of nostalgic references for all of us who grew up with the original TV series.  The two leads are wonderful, and have great chemistry, which is essential to carry the film.  Chris Pine plays James Kirk, the young, cocky, impulsive and adventurous new Star Fleet Academy graduate.  Zach Quinto plays Spock, the intellectual, rational, cautious and reserved half of the team.  They balance each other out.  The rest of the crew fills in the gaps – the beautiful and smart Uhura who is able to find Spock’s heart – Scotty, the tecchie hero – Bones, loyal to his friend Kirk.  They all end up on the Starship Enterprise, their first mission filled with challenges, including Eric Bana’s ruthless Romulan.  Best of all, we get re-acquainted with Leonard Nimoy’s Spock, who comes in as a kind of mentor to the young crew.  It all makes sense in the time and space where the movie takes place.  Kudos to director J.J. Abrams on a job well done


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