04 Jan


Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Grade: B

Alfred Hitchcock is one of the most famous film directors in history, and now he’s the subject of a major motion picture himself, titled of course, “Hitchcock.”  It takes place in a moment in time right after the phenomenal success of “North by Northwest” when Hitchcock (gloriously played by Anthony Hopkins) takes an interest in a new book called “Psycho” as his next project.  Studios are hesitant, to say the least, and Hitchcock has such a passion for the story that he takes the risk and finances the movie himself.

Helen Mirren plays Hitchcock’s devoted and very talented wife, Alma.  Alma has a writing career of her own, and “Hitch” relies on her quite a bit.  Scarlett Johansen makes a lovely Janet Leigh.  Really fun movie for those of us who love the movies.

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