04 Jan

Monster House

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Grade: C

I don’t really know how to characterize this movie.  It’s an animated film from Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis.  We saw it at one of the theatres that was showing it in 3D, so that experience was kind of cool.  The story is interesting, involving a haunted house that terrorizes some neighborhood kids.  But in many parts I felt it was too scary for the PG audience it was intended for.  Maybe the kids handled it better because it was animated – in live action I think they would have just cried.  And in other parts it’s really too much of a kid’s movie for teens or adults.

The resolution scene is WAY too long – it could have been done in half the time.  I also thought it was WAY too loud.  Is that because I’m WAY too old for this movie?  I hope not!  Anyhow, all’s well that ends well – stick around for the end because the kids will see that no one was actually killed by the house so they won’t get nightmares about it.  Neat and tidy, all ends tied up and everyone’s happy by the closing credits.

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