04 Jan

Match Point

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Grade: C

Woody Allen wrote and directed Match Point, but this is not your typical Woody Allen movie. It’s dark and dreary and there’s not a neurotic New Yorker in sight. And everyone sleeps with people who are age-appropriate. The movie is well written, and there are a few lines which are pretty signature Woody. But overall, the whole thing plays very dismal. It comes in at 2 hours, but it feels like 3. It’s heavy, with lots of dialogue, and yet the plot is really full of holes. There is so much that just doesn’t make sense. When that happens it makes the characters look stupid. But there is a point to the whole thing, and the structure is sound, the technical aspects are solid. Scarlett Johanssen is so screen-worthy, her features are flawless and she can act circles around her costars. Definitely thought provoking, though – but better as a rental, during the day, when you’re less likely to fall asleep.
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