31 Aug

It’s Not About the Money

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Life is all about relationships.  Are you aware of your emotional relationship with money?  Financial advisor Brent Kessel says that financial success and security is “not about the money.”  Instead it’s about our relationship with money, and when we can understand how that operates, then we can take action to achieve our financial goals.  In his book, he outlines eight financial archetypes and explains how typical ingrained behaviors and beliefs about money can prevent us from being truly financially free.  For example, some of us are caretakers, or savers, while others are pleasure seekers.  Some people are idealists who place greater value on creativity or compassion than on finances, and others obsess about building empires.  “It’s Not About the Money” really offers a fresh approach to money, providing information and resources as well as exercises and meditations.

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