31 Aug


Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

When we know something, without knowing exactly why or how we know it, that’s our intuition kicking in.  Our intuition guides us in the direction we need to go, if only we’d listen to it more often!  We can tune in more, and learn to trust ourselves more, and see the results of this in our lives.  The first thing we need to do is to find some quiet space so that we can actually hear that inner voice.  When we’re stressed out, or running around, or inundated with media like the car radio blasting all the time, that intuitive voice can’t get through to us through all the commotion.  Give yourself some down-time, some space to just relax and listen.  Take a walk, or just retreat to a quiet room for a few minutes.  Make it a habit to ask yourself questions, and to pay attention to the answers that come to you.  Pay attention to the signals that your body gives you.  Our bodies act as a kind of radar, they pick up the energy of any given situation, and it resonates within us as a good or bad feeling.  This can help us to make better decisions.  And think things through, do your homework, and make sure that you are thinking with both your intelligence and your intuition.  One study showed that 62% of successful CEOs surveyed say that they make decisions based on their intuition.  You can trust your intuition.  Make notes of when your intuition was right, and you’ll be surprised at how often it has led you in the right direction.

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