31 Aug


Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice.  It looks like a long word, but it is actually easy to pronounce.  It sounds just like it is written; you pronounce every letter.  Ho’oponopono allows us to remove blocks that keep us from getting what we want in life.  In this practice the objective is to allow the Universe to take our painful thoughts and neutralize, or purify them.  We actually neutralize the energy that we associate with that person, or place, or thing.  To do this we go through a technique called clearing.  Whenever we have a negative thought, or feel negative energy around us, we say: “I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.  I love you.”  We continue to say these simple words until we feel that we have released the negativity.  And we repeat them again whenever the negativity crops up.  Releasing negativity helps us to feel lighter, and clears our head to handle any situation with more grace.  Ho’oponopono teaches us that life is easy, we’re the ones who make it seem difficult!


The Easiest Way – on amazon

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