31 Aug

Dreams, Coincidence and Imagination

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

I’ve always been interested in the power that our dreams seem to have.  I have a “Dream Dictionary” in my nightstand drawer so that I can analyze some of the more interesting, or absurd, dreams that I have at times!  Our dreams often speak to us, helping us to solve problems and give us direction.  Robert Moss has written a new book called: “The Three Only’ Things: Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence and Imagination.”  Here’s what he has to say about dreaming: “Fundamentally, dreaming is less about sleep than about waking up. In much of waking life we go about like sleepwalkers, propelled by routines and other people’s agendas. In dreams, we wake up to the bigger story. The ancient Egyptians, who knew a lot about dreams, recognized this in their language. In ancient Egyptian, the word for dream is rswt, which means an awakening’.”


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