14 Sep

Ayurvedic Solutions for Embarrassing Problems

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Embarrassing Problem: Bad Breath

Ayurvedic Solution:

Cardamom seeds –  Tasty, just chew up a couple.

Also good for a sore throat, speakers who talk a lot.

A tongue scraper can also help to prevent bad breath. This is in common use in Ayurveda, usually in stainless steel, but also available in sterling silver or copper.

Eat the parsley garnish after a meal to get rid of bad breath, too.



Embarrassing Problem: Gas

Ayurvedic Solution:

Fennel seeds –

You often see a bowl of these in Indian restaurants and wondered what they were for.  Just chew up about a teaspoon full after a big meal.  Easy to carry in your purse.



Embarrassing Problem: Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are inflamed veins around the rectum, often caused by the weight of pregnancy, or from constipation, or from heavy lifting.

Ayurvedic Solution:

Mix 1 Tablespoon dry cumin with a bit of water to make a paste.  Apply to the affected area, and leave on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off.  Twice a day.  This works because cumin is high in potassium, which helps bring down blood pressure, so it helps relieve the inflammation.



Embarrassing Problem: Overactive Bladder

Ayurvedic solution:

Ayurveda says that an overactive bladder is caused by too much Vata dosha in the pelvic region.  A bladder infection and constipation can aggravate the vata dosha and cause an overactive bladder.  Obesity can also cause an overactive bladder.  Follow lifestyle changes for constipation.  Also, add some dates into your diet, and drink tender coconut water.



Embarrassing Problem: Constipation

Ayurvedic solution:

There are three parts to digestion, each equally important: digestion, assimilation, and elimination.  When we are not eliminating the waste products of our food effectively, we are constipated.  Those toxins need to be eliminated from the body for us to feel our best.  Constipation can lead to many other issues, including skin breakouts, menstrual cramps, fatigue, depression and more.

Triphala is an ayurvedic remedy for constipation.  It is made of three fruits, and is considered a valuable herbal preparation.   It helps the body to gently release toxins.

Lifestyle changes for constipation:

-Largest meal at lunchtime, when digestion is strongest.

-Sip warm water with lemon throughout the day.  Vata tea is also very healing.

-Avoid eating leftovers and foods that contain preservatives.  Your body has to work harder to eliminate these impurities from the liver and cells.

-Avoid cold drinks, as these reduce digestive power.

-Get to bed by 10 pm, s your body can rest during its natural purification cycle, from 10 pm to 2 am.

-Pay attention to the food you are eating – don’t watch TV, read or work while eating.

-Eat lots of leafy greens, stick to a high-fiber diet of fresh fruits, veggies and grains.



Embarrassing Problem: Foot Odor

Ayurvedic Solution:

Smelly feet can result from perspiration, dead skin cells, and bacteria.  Synthetic shoes and socka increase the problem by not letting your feet breathe.  What to do?

-FOOT BATH: In 1 quart of hot water (about 100-110 degrees F), add 1 teaspoon Epsom salt or sea salt. Make a small pouch of herbs, include the ones you like from lavender, sage, rosemary and add this pouch to the water.  Soak your feet for approximately 20 minutes.  Gently rub the herbs on your feet.

-Dry feet thoroughly.

-Mix 1 part cornstarch with 3 parts Herbalized Clay and 3-4 drops of peppermint essential oil.  Add cool water to make a paste and apply the paste to the feet for 20-30 minutes.  Wash off with warm water and dry thoroughly.

Follow this procedure daily until the problem disappears, then continue once or twice a week preventively.


Embarrassing Problem: Hair Loss

Ayurvedic Solution:

Hair loss is seen as an excess of Pitta dosha, too much fire.  Do Pitta balancing things like:

-Drink 1/3 cup of aloe vera juice with pinch of cumin 3 x/day for 3 months to cool the system.

-Drink fresh juices like carrot and spinach to stimulate hair growth.

-Eat a spoonful of white sesame seeds every morning.  This is a good source of both magnesium and calcium.

-Avoid coffee (any caffeine), alcohol, smoking, and red meat – all of which aggravate Pitta dosha.

-Scalp massage with coconut oil is great to help stimulate hair growth.


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