31 Aug

Ayurveda and Walking

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

An important part of the Ayurvedic lifestyle is the morning walk.  Ayurveda recommends a walk in the morning as one of the best ways to start your day, and as a safe and easy way to get some exercise.  As we breathe in that fresh, morning air, we take in much-needed oxygen.  As we notice the beauty around us, we connect with nature and nourish our creativity.  Regular brisk walking can lower cholesterol levels, stimulate circulation, strengthen the heart, and reduce blood pressure.  Walking is also a great way to charge up your circulation and boost your metabolism.  In addition, a regular morning walk can fend off stress and depression, help to prevent osteoporosis, and helps us to develop strength, stamina and endurance.  Walking doesn’t call on blood sugar for energy, and the brain is nourished by blood sugar, so walking is great exercise for the brain.  In Ayurveda, morning is known as “brahmmahurat” and is considered the most auspicious time of the day.  A little morning sunshine provides us with some Vitamin D.  Be sure to drink plenty of water before and during your walk to stay hydrated.  And pay attention to the signals that your body gives you, don’t overdo it.

Yoga Therapy: A Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Yoga and Ayurveda for Health and Fitness


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