10 Dec

4 Keys to Stress Less and Celebrate More

Valerie Martinez

Valerie Martinez

Valerie Martinez began her journey toward a “healthy way of life” over 20 years ago. As a mother of three, she became, by necessity, a master at understanding natural health and applying it in every day life. What she shares with you comes from real life experience. Her mission is to be your “wellness coach”, to cheer you on and inspire women of all ages to be architects of change in their own lives. "True health doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it’s the exact opposite: true health is simple. It’s the result of healthy choices that become healthy habits that lead to the “healthy way of life." -- Visit Valerie at WomensHealthMadeSimple.com today!
Valerie Martinez

How did that time of the year we used to regard as "magic” become so filled with anxiety and stress?

Holidays as a grown-up are very different from what they were when we were kids. As grown-ups, we’re responsible for making the magic happen. That means that there’s a total shift of energy: jubilant anticipation turns to anxiety and stress. But with a little planning, and our 4 keys to stress less AND celebrate more – that doesn’t need to be the case this year.

Enjoy the spirit of the holidays by changing the way you approach these four classic stress-inducing situations.

Scenario #1: Your flight home has just been delayed for the third time.

The key to getting through your travels unscathed is to plan ahead as best you can, and then let go of what you can’t control. When travel is interrupted, instead of melting down and worrying about how it will impact the rest of your day, see the extra time as a gift. Now you have time to take a brisk walk around the airport terminal, call a friend or family member or catch up on your reading. Just stay in the moment and make the most of your time — instead of worrying, which will only drain you. Of course, having kids with you makes it more complicated: That’s when the planning comes into play. Make sure to pack things like playing cards, kids’ books, coloring books, travel-size board games and healthy snacks to keep kids occupied. Also, remember that most of the time, they take their cue from your behavior; if you’re calm and upbeat, they’re more likely to follow suit.

Scenario #2: It’s been a tough year and you simply can’t afford to buy extravagant gifts for friends and family. 

There’s a reason January and February are big depression months: It’s when the credit card bills from the holidays start rolling in. It goes back to that pressure to make magic — especially for kids. It’s vital that as a family — early on — you have a discussion about money. When it comes to kids, just be straight with them — level with them about the fact that you don’t have the money to buy everything they’re hoping for. Emphasize the parts of the holiday that don’t have to do with money (like spending time together baking, playing games or making holiday crafts). Money conversations are harder to have with friends (especially if their finances appear to be smooth sailing). Honestly, it can be very embarrassing. Perhaps you can set a money limit for gifts or agree to do homemade presents.

Scenario #3: You’re being dragged to your husband’s company holiday party — an event that always leaves you feeling awkward and self-critical.

First, try to identify what it is about the situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. Having awareness won’t make your feelings go away, but it can help you create a plan for getting through the situation. Again, it’s often a matter of the language you use in your own head. Phrases like “these events are horrible” only reinforce those negative thoughts. Try writing a new script for yourself, whether it’s a simple mantra like “I am intelligent and charming” or “this is just one night.” Also, remember that we often tend to evaluate our social “performance” as much worse than it is (worrying that we offended someone or put our foot in our mouth), when in reality, no one else thought anything of it.

Scenario #4: You fought the buffet table and the buffet table won.

The last thing we need to add to our psyche is guilt about the food we eat — yet we do it all the time. The first thing you need is perspective: A few days of indulgent eating can be a setback, but they don’t have to spell disaster. Second, try to remove the emotional component from your calorie splurge — it is what it is, and it’s over.  Think about what you learned and what you could have done differently (so you’re prepared next time), and then cut it loose.  Every day is a new day, and you get a clean slate!

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