31 Aug

Science and Relationship

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Recently I attended the “Sages and Scientists Symposium” sponsored by the Chopra Foundation.  Great minds from around the world were there to talk about the “new science” and what it means for us.  There were many common themes echoed, including – that materialism is dead, that consciousness is the root of everything, and that our interconnectedness is more apparent than ever.  I got to meet and interview Fred Alan Wolf, aka “Dr. Quantum,” Larry Dossey, Jim Tucker (a child psychiatrist who wrote Life Before Life about children’s past life experiences), Marilyn Schlitz (the president of Noetic Science), and so many more amazingly brilliant people.  As you can imagine, scientists often speak in a way that can go way over our heads – everything they have to say is fascinating, it’s just not always that easy to understand!  But I got them to simplify for us, to explain just how all the new discoveries that the new science has come up with are relevant to us, and how we can use this wisdom right now, in our own lives.  Here are two of the videos I did where the sages and scientists talk about the concepts expressed in The Law of Relationship:  http://www.closurebook.com/sages

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