31 Dec

Reclaim Your Intuition

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

By Psychic Medium Bill Philipps

I firmly believe that my ability as a psychic medium is a God-given gift, and that not just anybody can become one simply because he or she wants to. Trust me, I know many people who have tried, and without success. But I do believe all people have some psychic intuition — more than most know they have — that can be cultivated enough to enable them to receive and recognize signs from spirits.

The first step in tapping into that intuition is to set your intention by silently asking the spirits for help when you need it. If you are going through a difficult time and are looking for answers or guidance in a particular situation, you first have to ask for help and for signs. That’s the easy part. The second step, which is more difficult but equally important, is to open your heart and mind to receiving those signs.

Let’s say you are thinking about leaving your job to take one at another company, but you don’t know if you should. Pray about it, then keep your eyes and ears open for the answers. What does that mean? Well, chances are pretty good that a random person is not going to walk up to you after you pray and say, “You need to take that job.” I have told you how the spirits work — they love to play charades — so you know it’s usually not that simple. But if you go out to dinner in the midst of trying to make this decision, and your extremely happy waitress tells you it’s her first day on the job, that could be a sign to you that you need to accept your new job. Or if you are watching someone being interviewed on television who comments that the grass is not always greener on the other side, that could be a sign to stay in your current job.

Your intuition is a spiritual guidance system that you were born with. We all have it, but we often ignore it as we age because we become too concerned about our Earthly selves and duties rather than the spiritual side of our lives. How many times, when we’re trying to make a big decision, does someone remind us to “listen to your gut?” It happens a lot, and it’s something we should do more often, but we forget to do it because we have let our souls succumb to our humanness and fear.

So how can you better connect with your intuitive side? Here are four steps you can try:

1.) Meditate. I don’t know of a better way to connect with your intuition. You can meditate in several ways, such as through silence, with soothing music, or with sounds form nature. Meditation will help you to separate yourself from your earthly worries and to connect more closely with your soul. 

2.) Be more aware of your thoughts in your everyday life so that you can more easily separate them from your intuition. Thinking is a reflex for most people, so much so that it can be difficult to distinguish between what is your intuition and what is your ego, or earthly thoughts. The more we think and ignore what our gut is telling us, the more confused we can become about what to do in a particular situation. Yes, we need to think things through, but don’t let that overshadow your intuition. 

3.) Pray. Set your intention to being more in tune to intuition. Ask God or Spirit for the insight you are seeking. Doing that focuses your energy on what you want to achieve. We’ve all heard the phrase “Ask and you shall receive.” I believe that’s absolutely true. Asking is setting that intention. Receiving is listening to your intuition, which is coming from that higher place.

4.) Pay close attention to how your intuition works for you because it works differently for everyone. Some might feel chills. Others may have more of a gut feeling. And yet others could have a daydream that comes true. What works for one may not work for another. Understand and trust how your intuition works for you and what the strongest way is for you to receive information from Spirit.

Don’t doubt that you have a guidance system within you. You were born with intuition, whether you know it or not. It is up to you, though, to find it. Having that intuition and knowing when it is trying to tell you something can make your life much easier, especially when faced with difficult circumstances.

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Bill Philipps is the author of Expect the Unexpected and is known for being one of the world’s youngest psychic mediums. He has appeared on the Dr. Phil show and has helped countless individuals deal with the grief of losing loved ones by bringing through validations, evidential information and beautiful messages which heal and bring a sense of peace. Visit him online at http://www.billphilipps.com/.  

Based on the book Expect the Unexpected ©2015 by Bill Philipps. Printed with permission of New World Library. www.newworldlibrary.com


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