31 Aug


Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Most grocery stores now have an organic section in their produce departments.  The term “organic” means that this is food that has been cultivated and processed without any chemicals.  Since there is nothing to kill the bugs, and no wax on the apples, the fruits and vegetables might not look as picture perfect as we have become used to, but they actually taste wonderful!  Organic farming is better for the land as well, as the runoff from fertilized fields feeds into rivers and oceans, potentially polluting the water and posing hazards to life in and around it.  Organic methods are really getting back to basics, the way we farmed back before any of these chemicals were created.  Organic methods build up the soil, creating stronger, more disease-free plants.  Going organic is a great choice, both
nutritionally and ecologically.

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