31 Aug

Oil, Fat and Love

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

The Sanskrit word for oil is “snigdha.”  Sanskrit has many layers of meaning, and translated, snigdha means oil, fat and also, love!  Oil creates smoothness, lubrication, and vigor.  It is nourishing, like love.  When we use oil in a massage, we are taking care of ourselves, and coating ourselves with love.  The opposite of oily is dry, or “ruksha.”  Dryness creates dehydration.  Dry weather aggravates vata, and causes dry skin.  Fear, nervousness, anxiety and loneliness are also dry.  Love is the antidote!  So to balance ruksha, coat the skin with oil, or love.  Then take a warm shower after the application of oil, and the skin, kidneys and colon are also nourished.

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