31 Aug

NEAT Habits

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Ever notice how some people just naturally seem to have a high metabolism?  It could be fidgeting that keeps it that way.  Researchers at the Mayo Clinic have discovered something called NEAT, which stands for “NonExercise Activity Thermogenesis.”  Huh?  Basically it means the calories we burn while fidgeting.  All those little activities we do without even realizing we’re doing them, like moving around, fidgeting, doodling, foot tapping.  Turns out we can burn between 350-500 calories a day like this, which translates to about 50 pounds a year!  To up our NEAT habits, we can simply pay attention.  Take stretch breaks, walk around the block, get up and change the TV channel without the remote, dance around the kitchen making dinner.  It’s the little things that can add up to making a big difference in our lives!

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