31 Aug

The Life-Expectancy Gene

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Once again science has proven what we’ve known all along – that by reducing stress, with meditation, yoga and relaxation, we can enjoy a longer and healthier life.  New research from the University of California at San Francisco (the same team that won the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology) has identified an enzyme that plays a key role in cell function, including aging and most cancers.  It’s called telomerase, and it makes small units of DNA that seal off the ends of chromosomes that contain the body’s genes.  The DNA units that telomerase produce are called telomeres. Telomeres help to protect the quality of the gene, which ultimately determines the lifespan of the cells.  When telomeres are lengthened they prolong cell life and also treat age-related disorders.  And the big news is that the way we lengthen our telomeres is by reducing stress!  With our hectic lifestyles, we have to work at reducing stress.  We need to build time for relaxation and meditation into our day, every day. 

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