30 Aug

Health in Four Areas of Life

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

According to Ayurveda, good health is present when we have good, healthy functioning in four areas of our life.  First, we need to be physically and mentally healthy so that we can work and play.  Second, we need to have something purposeful to do as work to support ourselves financially.  This work involves our talents, and when we love our work, it cultivates our spirituality.  Third, our relationships are important to our health.  These relationships, with our loved ones, our co-workers, and ourselves, help us to learn and grow and to understand our foremost relationship, which is with the Divine.  This leads us to the fourth area of health, spiritual health.  As we learn and grow we are compelled to spend more time in pursuit of personal spiritual development.  We begin to see the Divinity within ourselves and within others.  To treat an imbalance, Ayurveda looks at the cause, not just the symptoms, and seeks to cultivate wellness in each of these four areas of life.

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