31 Aug

Dosha Yoga

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

I’ve been waiting for a long time to give you this news.  Today is the official release date of my brand new DVD, “Dosha Yoga: Bringing Your Mind and Body to a State of Balance and Bliss.” This is the first DVD ever to combine Yoga and Ayurveda.  My friend Hemalayaa, an amazing Yogini, leads us through 3 different Yoga routines, one for each dosha.  Each routine is balancing in its own way, and includes therapeutic music created by an Ayurvedic music therapist in India!  We had so much fun working on this project, putting together some beautiful sets based on color therapy for the doshas, and creating totally original and unique routines unlike any you’ve ever seen on any other Yoga DVD.  And I’ve got a segment on there about living an Ayurvedic lifestyle.  This is a really special DVD, one that I’m very proud of and so happy to be able to share with you.  Check out our new website, and you’ll see information about our offer for this “Dosha Yoga” premiere week. www.DoshaYoga.com

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