31 Aug

Creating More Energy

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

A good energy level let’s us feel great and stay healthy.  And studies show that recharging our batteries, by meditating, breathing, practicing our favorite hobbies or partaking in other activities, can help to promote faster healing, increased mental acuity, better emotional well-being and greater productivity.  So how to we get our energy up?  First thing in the morning, set the tone for the day with intention.  Think about what you want to accomplish, and how you choose to make a difference in another person’s life.  Then during the day, make sure that you get at least one thing completed.  A sense of completion on one projects allows us to focus our attention more completely on something new.  Also, spend some part of the day doing something you really love to do, something that you feel is meaningful to you.  Then, make sure you connect with people you care about.  Relationships feed the soul, we need this nourishment to really thrive.

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