31 Aug


Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Lissa Coffey

Here in the U.S. we have a huge variety of cereal to choose from.  Go into any grocery store and cereal takes up a whole aisle of shelves!  On the TV show Seinfeld, Jerry was a fan, and cereal was often a part of the storyline.  As long as we read the labels and make good choices, cereal can be a very healthy food, and a great way to start our day.  One research study in Wales showed that eating breakfast cereal on a regular basis helped to lower stress and improve physical and mental health.  Cereal eaters had lower levels of cortisol, the hormone that rises with stress.  Cereal is also good for heart health.  Research shows that men who eat one serving of whole-grain cereal a day have a lower risk of heart disease.   One reason for this is that cereal helps to reduce homocysteine levels, an amino acid that is known to raise heart attack rates.  Soluble fiber, found in oats, helps to lower cholesterol.  Insoluble fiber, found in wheat and rice cereals, is good for reducing the risk of colon cancer. Look for cereals that have at least 5 grams of fiber per serving.  And choose cereals that say “bran” or “whole grain” on the label.  And be mindful of the portion size, which you’ll find on the label as well.  Most people serve themselves more than one portion of the cereal without realizing it.  While this gives us more fiber, it also gives us more calories.

The Breakfast Cereal Gourmet


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