The Four Courses
The Four Courses reading presents possible paths for the querent to take to reach a more complete state of being. While all paths may offer a degree of fulfillment, usually one will be more fruitful than the others. The trick of course, is to pick the one that will bring most beneficial results.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.
Northern Course

Western Course

Your Current State

Eastern Course
Southern Course

Your Current State

Bamboo 3
Symbol: Toad

The Toad tile indicates some troubling moments along your life's path, but these aches will heal. It also suggests your ambition may be greater than your reach.



Northern Course

Bamboo 1
Symbol: Peacock

This is the first tile of the first suit in a Mahjong set. Overall, it represents success. However it also warns that success sometimes turns to arrogance, which can lead to loss of everything that has been gained. The Peacock tile also suggests a change in your life path is forthcoming.



Eastern Course

Wan 5
Symbol: House

The House tile represents a building in which you spend much time. If your reading is positive it may well be that this building has the important function providing you with a stable environment in which you are comfortable. If the reading is negative it may represent a structure in which you are stressed and uncomfortable.



Southern Course

Red Dragon
Symbol: Center

The Red Dragon tile is indicative of success and the fulfillment of your goals.



Western Course

Bamboo 5
Symbol: Lotus Flower

The Lotus Flower tile represents birth or rebirth. On a spiritual level it may indicate you are about to reach new heights in your understanding of your place in the cosmos. Physically it may suggest a child is coming, or a new project is about to emerge. The Lotus Flower tile also speaks of regeneration, and may indicate a time of recovery from hardship?a new beginning.